Monday, August 8, 2016

Reply To A Reader: Physical Form Is a Limitation

Below is a comment from a dedicated reader, Mr. Christopher Adams :

Physical form is a limitation. In the Gospel of Thomas Jesus refers to the transcendence of physical form to become beings of pure light. When we learn to let go of all limitations then we transform into pure light(ascension). The "ego brain" fears the light, so transformation is a spiritual process of learning to let go of all forms of fear - which are all forms of the death wish.

My Reply:

Dear Mr. Adams:

Thank you for your thoughtful message. Indeed, "death form is a limitation." That is why eternal life is without limits by uniting movement with rest. Here I will invoke a riff on Pascal's Wager: If the view that this life has meaning only for the hereafter is wrong, then you are eternally dead; If Jesus' word is Truth: "those who come from the light, where light is formed by itself" will not taste death, then you will live in physical form forever. Since the entire message of Jesus is to accept eternal life now and there is no life after death, one will have to choose: Life or Death. The Living Father or Eternal Darkness. The Radiant Truth or the Dark Lies.

Please note that Immortals do only one thing: Bless! There is nothing else to do. Blessings come in many forms. The highest blessing is to be compassionate and tell the truth. The truth is this: Physical Immortality is available right here, right now. Sadly, human beings have rejected this truth and instead have accepted the lie of darkness: Yes, you are immortal, but only in a spiritual sense. Humans beings are going to wake up dead if they follow the path of darkness...

Again, thank you for taking time to share your insights.

Best Wishes,

Harry Petersen 

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