The only
thing that matters: At this moment, right here, right now be connected to God.
Know that you are a child of the Living Father.
Allow the body to radiate at the immortal frequency.
The blockage
of God’s connection is identifying with one’s life story. It is the ego, which
directly challenges God with the question: "On whose authority do you live your life: God’s Wisdom,
or Man’s limited self-interest?" The problem with the Ego mind is it cannot give
you physical immortality. So it accepts some comfortable illusion that when one
dies one will ascend to some heavenly place or perhaps if your conduct has been
less than stellar, then your awareness will descend to the lower pits.
Obviously, this is nonsense! In the first place, an all-knowing God would
realize that human beings are limited and know very little; so with all the
various systems of religious thought, how could God expect the hapless human to
figure which—if any—of the belief systems represent truth. Mormonism? Great
view, but you will have to accept that the angel Moroni gave Joseph Smith
writings which would become the Book of
Mormon. I don’t think so. Or how about accepting the New Testament, a
document which according to New Testament scholar Burton Mack in Who Wrote the New Testament: The Making of
the Christian Myth is a group of books approved and/or written by what became
the Catholic Church by the end of the fourth century? No, Christianity is a
dead religion and has been totally discredited and is doomed for the ash heap
of history.
The only hope
for physical immortality is to allow a clear signal between your individual
consciousness and God’s Consciousness. The motto of the Immortal is: “In tune
with the Infinite is the path to immortality.” To achieve this God Connection,
the Ego mind (the default mode of 99%+ of human beings) needs to be put in its
place and allow God’s Spirit to dwell in bodily form.
dissolution of the Ego brain with the replacement of God’s Consciousness is
what Enlightenment is. In his text, As It
Is: The Open Secret of Enlightenment by Tony Parsons, we have a process by
which the shift might take place:
1. Activate
the chakra or energy center just above your head, the transpersonal self. This
is who you are—not your ego. Your individual consciousness in its pure form is
a direct image of God.
2. Dedicate
your being to being aware of ‘what is, as it is.' This is mindful awareness
which allows events and thoughts to unfold as they will.
3. Allow
the Watcher-- God's Consciousness--to emerge.
4. Pray
to God that the Ego brain be dissolved and in its place for God’s Spirit at the
immortal frequency to emerge.
The question the reader will answer: Is being an Immortal—connected to God—the
only thing that matters to me?