Monday, August 29, 2016

As It Is: The Open Secret of Enlightenment

The only thing that matters: At this moment, right here, right now be connected to God. Know that you are a child of the Living Father.  Allow the body to radiate at the immortal frequency.

The blockage of God’s connection is identifying with one’s life story. It is the ego, which directly challenges God with the question: "On whose authority do you live your life: God’s Wisdom, or Man’s limited self-interest?" The problem with the Ego mind is it cannot give you physical immortality. So it accepts some comfortable illusion that when one dies one will ascend to some heavenly place or perhaps if your conduct has been less than stellar, then your awareness will descend to the lower pits. Obviously, this is nonsense! In the first place, an all-knowing God would realize that human beings are limited and know very little; so with all the various systems of religious thought, how could God expect the hapless human to figure which—if any—of the belief systems represent truth. Mormonism? Great view, but you will have to accept that the angel Moroni gave Joseph Smith writings which would become the Book of Mormon. I don’t think so. Or how about accepting the New Testament, a document which according to New Testament scholar Burton Mack in Who Wrote the New Testament: The Making of the Christian Myth is a group of books approved and/or written by what became the Catholic Church by the end of the fourth century? No, Christianity is a dead religion and has been totally discredited and is doomed for the ash heap of history.

The only hope for physical immortality is to allow a clear signal between your individual consciousness and God’s Consciousness. The motto of the Immortal is: “In tune with the Infinite is the path to immortality.” To achieve this God Connection, the Ego mind (the default mode of 99%+ of human beings) needs to be put in its place and allow God’s Spirit to dwell in bodily form.

The dissolution of the Ego brain with the replacement of God’s Consciousness is what Enlightenment is. In his text, As It Is: The Open Secret of Enlightenment by Tony Parsons, we have a process by which the shift might take place:

1. Activate the chakra or energy center just above your head, the transpersonal self. This is who you are—not your ego. Your individual consciousness in its pure form is a direct image of God. 

2. Dedicate your being to being aware of ‘what is, as it is.' This is mindful awareness which allows events and thoughts to unfold as they will.

3. Allow the Watcher-- God's Consciousness--to emerge.

4. Pray to God that the Ego brain be dissolved and in its place for God’s Spirit at the immortal frequency to emerge.

The question the reader will answer: Is being an Immortal—connected to God—the only thing that matters to me?

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Where Have You Come From? From the Light!

In the Gospel of Thomas, saying 50, we have a remarkable catechism in which Jesus tells his followers how to answer various questions which might be posed to them:

Who are you?  

We are the children of the Living Father.

Where did you come from? 

We came from the light, the place where the light came into being by itself.

What is the evidence of God within you?

It is movement and it is rest.

The second answer is quite interesting--we came from the light, the place where the light came into being by itself. This appears to refer to the spiritual light which the seeker has entered. Here is the place of self-generating light. 

This answers the schoolboy's question: "Who made God?" Answer: This is a category mistake, a kind of fallacy in which one mixes things of a different type as though they were the same. In this case, while mankind is finite and limited, God is infinite and unbounded. Any question which would assume what is true in the finite must be true in the infinite is an error in thinking. In fact, because God is infinite, the rules of causality or the laws of cause-and-effect do not apply to God as they might to a human being. So who made God? Because God is infinite and exists simultaneously in many dimensions at once, God is self-generating and thus nothing made God.

The Immortal unites with the Living Father through union with the resurrected Jesus. This higher level of being or immortal consciousness is activated as the consciousness shifts from brain-centered consciousness (the default mode for human beings) to God-centered consciousness. This implies that the transpersonal consciousness which is outside the brain has been activated. This shift will activate all the other chakras connected to the body along with a strong connection to the heart chakra.

My approach to shifting to the immortal consciousness is the direct path: Just do it! Being an Immortal is a one-step process: Activate the light consciousness--the place where light came into being by itself! 

Monday, August 22, 2016

Physical Immortality: Easy as 1-2-3

1. Intention--The openness to the possibility that one can be resurrected with Jesus in bodily form is the first step in accepting the gift of eternal life. "Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death"--Jesus, saying 1, Gospel of Thomas.

2. Faith--This is the glue which holds together the unmanifested (the Absolute or God) to the manifested (physical form). Be Bold! "With God anything is possible." Increase your faith by allowing your imagination free reign. What would it be like if I were Immortal?

3. Immortal Frequency Practice-- As one intends to be united with the risen Jesus, the immortal-to-be practice each day becomes a joy. Here is the discovery process which Jesus spoke about in saying 1: Seek the path which leads to eternal life. Please note that the process which might work for one person, will not necessarily work for someone else. The reader is invited to see my previous post, Some Ideas For Reaching Light Consciousness, for some ideas. Follow your own inner light and try out different methods. The goal is to shift the body’s vibration frequency to above entropy.  Keep practicing until you see results or contact me if you would like any pointers. Perfect practice makes for perfection!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Consciously-Connected Breathing: A Pathway to Enlightenment

In the text, The Presence Process, by Michael Brown (see: The Presence Process) , it is recommended to connect the in-breath with the out-breath in a process called, "consciously-connected breathing." In the path to becoming an Immortal, the seeker with have to put the ego brain in its place and allow higher energies to arise. The constant practice of connecting one's breathing is a one-step process to enlightenment. Enlightenment is seeing through the illusory nature of the ego brain by activating the transpersonal self. This is a shift from the brain centered consciousness to God consciousness. I would recommend this practice for 20 minutes per day or better why not make this the way you breathe--in and out without holding the breath.

The healing of trauma occurs through the God's presence which can be activated through the breath and intention. The intention here is to let go and let God. Allow the healing to take place in its own time and place. There is no need to do. Just allow.

Immortality is union with God. The ego brain with its constant chattering, stories, rehashing of past events, judgment, and torment is separation from God. The seeker of Immortality will find that the ego brain is filled with meaningless nonsense and thus the whole world is mad with craziness. The activation of the transpersonal self through the presence process is a first step in the journey without end...

Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Presuppositions of the Thomas Immortality Project

The “Thomas Immortality Project” posits the following:


1. There is a God.


2. A messenger shared the Good News of God’s Kingdom.


3. Jesus is resurrected from the dead.


4. There is no life after death.


5. Those who unite with Jesus in his resurrection are raised to the immortal frequency in bodily form.


1     Probably the best antidote to the atheists is to have them study serious paranormal researchers such as Dean Radin, (See: Website of Dean Radin ) and William Tiller (see: HOME | William A Tiller Institute for Psychoenergetic Science).


  1. The fundamental error the atheists make is the failure to understand that there are different levels of reality. The reality with which they usually aligned themselves with is the “cause-and-effect” level, i.e., Newtonian, while denying other levels exist. So it is true that the universe is about 13.7 billion years old, life forms developed on this planet through the process of natural selection and so forth. But this level does not address why it is that biological creatures such as ants or fish in large schools act as one mind. I concur with Rupert Sheldrake (see: Rupert Sheldrake - Author and Biologist) that various species are communicating with each other as part of one “group mind."


2. Historically, Jesus did exist and the historical accounts and documents support this claim.



3. The third claim is supported by what Jesus’ followers did and said after Jesus’ death and resurrection:


  • The Acts of the Apostles is an early text which focuses primarily on the ministries of Peter and Paul. There is no doubt that many believed Jesus had resurrected from the dead and started the Jesus Way after his resurrection.


  • The brother of Jesus, James, led the original followers of Jesus in Jerusalem. Apparently, it was during this period, before 62 A.D. when Jesus’ other brother, Judas, starting collecting the sayings of Jesus in a book which became the Gospel of Thomas.


  • Paul, in I Cor. 15, notes that 500 brethren have seen the risen Jesus. Also, he makes a point of noting that both Peter and James witnessed the risen Jesus. This document was written about 55 A.D. and is the earliest report of eyewitnesses who saw the resurrected Jesus (this occurred about 30-33, A.D.).


4. This is a matter of judgment. From a cautionary principle, I would not expect any existence after this life as if you count on there being an afterlife, and you are mistaken, then you are dead. Also, there is nothing in the Gospel of Thomas to lead one to believe there is any life after death.



5)  The fifth claim is a spiritual one. The best test is this: By reading the posts on this blog, how do you feel? Because the words are written at the Immortal Frequency, there will be shifts as there are openings to gladly receive.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Reply To A Reader: Physical Form Is a Limitation

Below is a comment from a dedicated reader, Mr. Christopher Adams :

Physical form is a limitation. In the Gospel of Thomas Jesus refers to the transcendence of physical form to become beings of pure light. When we learn to let go of all limitations then we transform into pure light(ascension). The "ego brain" fears the light, so transformation is a spiritual process of learning to let go of all forms of fear - which are all forms of the death wish.

My Reply:

Dear Mr. Adams:

Thank you for your thoughtful message. Indeed, "death form is a limitation." That is why eternal life is without limits by uniting movement with rest. Here I will invoke a riff on Pascal's Wager: If the view that this life has meaning only for the hereafter is wrong, then you are eternally dead; If Jesus' word is Truth: "those who come from the light, where light is formed by itself" will not taste death, then you will live in physical form forever. Since the entire message of Jesus is to accept eternal life now and there is no life after death, one will have to choose: Life or Death. The Living Father or Eternal Darkness. The Radiant Truth or the Dark Lies.

Please note that Immortals do only one thing: Bless! There is nothing else to do. Blessings come in many forms. The highest blessing is to be compassionate and tell the truth. The truth is this: Physical Immortality is available right here, right now. Sadly, human beings have rejected this truth and instead have accepted the lie of darkness: Yes, you are immortal, but only in a spiritual sense. Humans beings are going to wake up dead if they follow the path of darkness...

Again, thank you for taking time to share your insights.

Best Wishes,

Harry Petersen