Tuesday, November 19, 2019

My Next Post Is Due December 10, 2019—Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Dear Readers:

Thanksgiving Day is upon us next week. I am most thankful to God for giving me the gift of life. This gift may be eternal if one seeks God every moment of the day. An excellent text which speaks to this is In Tune With The Infinite by Ralph Waldo Trine, originally written in 1897. In his forward to his revised edition (published in 1949, G Bell & Sons, London) on pages vi-vii Mr. Trine writes:

Through this connection we become illumined by Divine Wisdom and we become energized by Divine power. It is our, then, to act under the guidance of this higher wisdom, and in all forms of expression, in every act of life, to live and to work augmented by this higher power. The finite thereby becomes the channel through which the Infinite can and does work.

Please see:

In Tune with the Infinite: Ralph Waldo Trine: Amazon.com: Books

I invite each reader to spend a few minutes on Thanksgiving Day praising God for the many good gifts He has given each of us!

·        In my next essay “On Becoming An Immortal” which is due in January 2020 the topic is rejuvenation or to make younger. The 6th chakra or “third eye” located between and just above the eyebrows is what I activate for rejuvenation as it is connected to the pituitary gland which in turn is connected to the pineal gland (as well as several other activations). The pineal gland is associated with Light Consciousness and Superconsciousness. Thus, I invite readers to do some research on activating the third eye (see the back of a USA one-dollar bill for an illustration of this).    

In his is text The Yoga of Jesus by   Paramahansa Yogananda recommends the seeker to activate a circuit in the back of the head which is connected to the third eye. I can confirm that this opening is one every Immortal-to-be will want to work on. See:

The Yoga of Jesus - Amazon.com

I wish every reader a joyous and Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Females Are Not Worthy of Life: Commentary on Saying 114 in the Gospel of Thomas

Note to Readers:

This post is one of the all-time popular on the Thomas Immortality Project. It was originally posted on January 4, 2017. I am re-posting it because I want to assure any reader who may be female that there is still hope for you. In Thomas there are two cases in which females showed interest in following Jesus:

1. Salome in saying 61 has a visit to her home by Jesus. During their visit Salome declares herself a follower of Jesus.

2. Mary, who is probably either Mary Magdalene or Mary, the mother of Jesus, was to be guided by Jesus and become a Living Spirit, saying 114, The Gospel According To Thomas.

Thus, if there is any female reader who like to become a Living Spirit I invite her to contact me as “every female who becomes male may enter the Kingdom of God.”

Simon Peter said to them, “Mary should leave us for females are not worthy of life.”

Jesus said, “Look, I shall guide her to make her male, so that she too may becoming a Living Spirit similar to you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the Kingdom of God.” ---Saying 114, The Gospel of Thomas

 First, I will summarize some key points made about this passage by Uwe-Karsten Plisch in the Gospel of Thomas: Original Text With Commentary (Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2008) on pages 243-247:   F

 * The dialogue is Post-Easter (Page 244).

 This is a fundamental point that the truth seeker will need: The Gospel of Thomas was written by Jesus’ brother, Judas (see Mark 6:3 for an early citation of Judas) by recording the living Jesus’ words (see prologue and saying 1). In other words, saying 114 was a dialogue which was was recorded after Jesus’ Resurrection. 

* Note that Saying 114 is the last saying in the Gospel of Thomas and it connects to the first saying in several ways. One clear example is the use of the term “living,” which is recorded in the prologue and in Saying 114; Living Spirit (114) and Living Jesus (Pages 244-245).
The concept of “living being” is encountered in Genesis 2:7: “God formed man of dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being” (emphasis mine). Later we are told the female was formed: “and the rib which God has taken from the man he made into a woman” (Genesis 2:22).

* The unity of male and female occurs by the female being turned into a male (Pages 246-247).
The point here is the unity of opposites in male-female example is achieved by eliminating the female. This would follow since as Peter noted “females are not worthy of life.” So when there is only male energy there will be one self. Thus, as in Saying 22, “When you make the male and female into a single one,” all is left is the male spirit.


1. Is it possible to become an Immortal while interacting with females?

 No. Females are not a living spirit as Jesus stated. Instead females have a demonic energy about them which represents darkness. While the traditional solution to dealing with females is to spank their bare bottom  with a paddle once a week whether they need it or not, an Immortal has no time for this nonsense. Thus, if a male wishes to enter the light he will need to rid himself of darkness—females.

2. Can a female become Immortal?

 Yes. In Saying 114, Mary who probably is either Mary Magdalene or the mother of Jesus, will be guided by Jesus and turned into a male. So a female by herself cannot become an Immortal; however, if she submits her will to an Immortal she may become a Living Spirit.

Supporting the Claim: “The New Testament is a Fraudulent Document”

Note: Readers might like to also see a previous post: Forgeries In the New Testament .

In this cursory overview, I shall support the claim “The New Testament is a fraudulent document.” First, please note that it is the general consensus of New Testament scholars that there are no original manuscripts of the books of the New Testament; all we have are copies of copies which are sometimes centuries after the original books were written. Secondly, there is no doubt that these manuscripts are not exact copies of the original as the copies of the same book differ from each other and thus the scholar will have to decide what in his opinion is the most likely to be nearest to the intended meaning of the original. Thirdly, to the degree possible the Roman Catholics destroyed all books except for the 27 which made it into the canon; this includes the original source books of the gospels, the saying books which recorded the words of Jesus. Fourthly, it needs to be noted that the translational problems from going from Greek to English are impossible to bridge in any direct way since the grammar must be “inverted” in order for the saying in Greek to make sense in English. Fifthly, there are many well-known examples of forgeries into the earliest manuscripts such as Mark 16:9-20 and John 7:53 to John 8:11.

From the above five points, anyone who says the Bible is the “Word of God” is sadly but surely mistaken.  The real question is: “To what degree have the 27 books which make up the New Testament been tampered with?”

Scholars have long noted the contradictions between the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. In addition to differing accounts to what during Jesus’ trial, crucifixion, and resurrection among the gospels, we have a differing theology between the first three gospels, the synoptic gospels and John. The reader who wishes an excellent overview of the above claims may access the New Testament scholar, Bart D. Erhman, latest text, How Jesus Became God (HarperOne 2014) or his college course of the same name from “The Great Courses” Company.

Please note that scholars are of the consensus view that about half of books in the New Testament which are attributed to Paul were written by others using his name. So I don’t know how one could accept the books such as I Timothy, II Timothy, Titus, and so forth as being inspired by God if the original understanding was these books were written by “Paul, an apostle, chosen by Jesus Christ” when they were written by other anonymous writers.

As far as the book of Revelation, in my view, this text has no historical grounding in fact. It appears to be a series of delusional images strung together. As far as what any of it means, no one knows.

Readers who are interested in a scholarly overview of the origins of Christianity might like to obtain the text, Trajectories Through Early Christianity, by James M. Robinson and Helmut Koester (Fortress Press, 1971). In this text, Professor Koester notes that the Gospel of John in the New Testament is a revision of a previous Gospel of John, making the New Testament copy a forgery. Also, note in 367 A.D. Athanasisu of Alexandria required that all documents which were not part of the official canon to be destroyed. Until the Gospel of Thomas along with other original source materials were found in 1945, there were no original documents other the Roman-Catholic approved texts which could be read. 

Once the Roman Catholics became the official church by order of the Roman Emperor Constantine, Christianity fell into complete darkness. All the original documents destroyed. Challenge to the Catholics was met by being burned to the stake. Wars, such as the Crusades, were fought on behalf of the Church.

Even as protests which arose in response to the corruptions in the Roman Catholic Church no one, not even Martin Luther, challenged the authenticity of the 27 books of the New Testament which were written or approved by the Catholics! This is the case since the protestors, the Protestants, assumed the 27 books were the “Holy Bible.” For some reason no one, not even the great Isaac Newton, thought to challenge whether the books were in fact “Holy.” Only in the past few years, with the trove of original documents, the Nag Hammadi Library, found in 1945 was there any concrete grounds to challenge the authenticity of the books of the New Testament. Today, research is clear: The New Testament is a fraudulent document if by “fraud” one means these books are inspired by God when they, like the Book of Mormon, were written and/or approved by man.

In my view, we have two paths which can be taken towards Christianity: 1) Admit that it is a religion based upon fraudulent documents and give it up as a lost cause, or 2) Accept the reality of Jesus’ resurrection and go back to the original documents such as the books of the Gospel of Thomas and Q and try to find out what Jesus’ original message is. I concur with the non-Christians that Christianity is a dead religion and needs to either go to the dustbin of history or start over beginning with a careful examination of the original source material.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Purification: Becoming an Immortal, Part 5

" When you make the two one, and when you make the inner as the outer and the outer as the inner and the above as the below and when you make the male and female into a single one...then you shall enter the Kingdom of God."
--Jesus, saying 22, The Gospel According To Thomas

Overview: In this essay I give attention to the process of purification. By this I mean, the seeker purifies himself of traumas, evil energies, sub-personalities, the superego, the ego, and darkness. In general, anything in one’s body-mind system which separates him from God’s Holiness. The suggestions are a starting point for the seeker as I invite him to find processes which will work best for him. The goal is to be centered as one with God.

1.     Centering—The first process is to center one’s awareness in one’s center which is connected to the heart chakra. Here we spend a few minutes feeling God’s Unconditional Love flow throughout one’s being. If the seeker has a closed heart and thus cannot feel God’s Love, then I invite him to do this practice for 2-3 minutes every morning until there is an opening. Note that I have no love for human beings in the world as the vast majority are dead (see saying 56 in Thomas), but the ability to open one’s heart will allow for mercy, gratitude, compassion, and forgiveness. These qualities form the basis of wisdom. Imagine a pearl or a ball of awareness to encompass these qualities.

2.     Shift the pearl or spark of divinity to the core self—Here we ask for God to cleanse one’s core:

“Father: Please allow your Holiness to purify my core of evil energies, traumas, sub-personalities—everything which separates me from your Holiness. Let me be Holy as you are Holy! Thanks, God!”

This prayer is part of a daily practice in which the seeker seeks God’s Holiness. I do this every morning and sometimes throughout the day. The seeker is invite to modify this prayer to dissolve anything which represents darkness. This invocation makes for a great meditation practice and thus one might spend an hour or so being in tune with God’s Holiness. Note that this is a felt sense of presence in which one starts to feel connected to God. 

 3. Center one’s Spark of Divinity in the Transpersonal Point—The Transpersonal point is about 3.5 feet above the head and it is connected to God’s Light.
This activation will be challenging for most seekers, but it is necessary as when one’s awareness is disconnected from the brain, the body will start to vibrate at a high frequency. I conjecture this is nearing or at the Physical Immortal level. This will also purify the body-mind system.  Please see the previous essay,Meditation Practice: Becoming an Immortal, Part 4. about how to activate the crown charka, a Transpersonal energy about 6 inches above the head for some insights.

Here’s how I do this activation:
Shift one’s awareness to the navel. Then imagine a circle of awareness about 2 feet surrounding the body. Then imagine a second circle about 1.5 feet above the first. Return one’s awareness to the body and shift about 1.5 inches below the navel. This is the still point. Please see a previous post ,Opening the Crown Point: Becoming an Immortal, Part 3,   for additional insights.  
 A resource seekers might find helpful is  Joy’s Way  by W. Brugh Joy ( 1979, Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc). See:
In chapter 8,  Dr. Joy discusses the “spiral meditation” practice which begins with the heart chakra and ends at the Transpersonal Point. Also, see pages 191-201 for insights about this practice. The seeker might like to see five diagrams showing various chakras and their fields on pages 165-172. While there are few texts which I would recommend the seeker of Physical Immortality to obtain, Joy’s Way, is an exception and thus would encourage a dedicated seeker to obtain this text.

Note: I have modified Dr. Joy’s method and I note that in his diagrams the Transpersonal Point is about 1.5 feet above the head while in my system it is 3.5 feet above the head.  I would conjecture this is because my starting point is the Hara (just below the navel) while his is in the heart region.

Once you can start to activate the Transpersonal Point, then you will at times start to see a field of Light. Once you activate the Light Consciousness, then connect this to your being or Self, located just above the animating self; centering in the animating self will also work. This will allow for a supercharged frequency which I believe is at the Physical Immortal Frequency. Thus, Animating Self=Transpersonal Self.

4.     Dissolve any problem, evil energy, or human being by bringing it or him into the Light—Once your center is connected to your core while simultaneously connected to one’s field of awareness of 3.5 feet above the head, then anything you connect to through your third eye or 6th chakra will be dissolved. In other words, all problems, evil energies and human beings are transformed by merely being near you.  
The seeker will need to work at dissolving the Superego or the “Fuck me up or I will fuck you up” energy. In the classical Freudian model, the Superego is considered the parent or moral conscious of the individual. This description is okay as far as it goes, but the source of energy behind it is a demonic one which represents evil. The first goal is for there to be awareness of the Superego; this is only possible when you have activated the Transpersonal point and the Third Eye. The Superego is responsible for the vast majority of human being’s problems as it is always on the lookout to either fuck someone up and wants to be fucked up. Of course, the individual who is in the Superego state will have many justifications for why he needs to punish someone. In sexual terms, this is the basis of masochism which obtains sexual pleasure by being fucked up.

The goal is to allow God’s Wisdom to guide one’s life. Yes, there are times when one is confronted by evil and thus has no other choice but to respond in a way which will let the evil energy know that its actions are unacceptable. While from the outside, the actions from the Superego and from Wisdom may at times appear to be the same, because the first is sourced by the Matrix or evil and the latter  is sourced  from God, the results will be different.

The Superego is located just below the hairline near the top of the head. I would conjecture that it was constructed when mankind left Paradise and thus lost the God Connection. Once you have activated the Transpersonal Point and Light Consciousness, then connect with this evil energy; in time, it will dissolve as it is exposed to the Light.

The process outlined in the previous paragraph is the method one will use to dissolve traumas: Activate the Transpersonal Point and the Light Consciousness; shift one’s awareness to the traumas and connect to it. In time, it will dissolve!

I would encourage therapists of various modalities to investigate this process as it is the only means (to my knowledge) of dissolving traumas. As far as I can tell, talk therapy is a waste of time in dealing with traumas—the only exception being classical psychoanalysis as practice by Dr. Sigmund Freud. In the entire world, there are probably fewer than a few dozens who are  classically-trained in Dr. Freud’s method. Note: This method calls for a five-year commitment with meetings 3-4 times per week while my method will often dissolve the traumas after a few applications.

5.     Purification as an ongoing practice—To feel God’s Unconditional Love to flow throughout one’s being, to have a sense of presence of God’s Holiness, to cleanse one’s being of darkness calls for a few minutes each day, usually in the morning in which the seeker seeks these transformations. In my case, I have been blessed to be disconnected from the world and thus avoid all unnecessary interactions with human beings. Thomas student might study the following sayings:
 “Blessed are the solitary and elect, for you shall find the Kingdom; because you have come from it you shall go there again. If they say to you, ‘from where have you come from?’ say to them: ‘we have come from the Light, the place where the Light came into being by itself.’”
--Jesus, sayings 49, 50, The Gospel According To Thomas
 As one’s being is purified there will be an opening for joy!

Summary: To be in Christ’s Consciousness or to be at the level which Jesus existed the follower of Jesus will want a daily practice in which he opens his heart to God’s Unconditional Love, allow God’s Holiness to purify him of darkness, and to shift one’s consciousness to the Light. The practices are meant as suggestions and thus I would invite the seeker of Physical Immortality to find any activations which allows for these transformation. The end result is a sense of oneness in which there is joy.