Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Readers: My next Post Is Due June 11, 2019

As is my custom, I take the first Tuesday of each month away from this blog in order to pay bill and organize things for the month. Thus, God willing, the next post will be June 11, 2019. I wish to thank the many readers who have supported this blog around the world: Germany, France, Russia, Japan and many other nations. Please read the post below about the parable of the rich man who thought he lack nothing, but he died that very night.

The Rich Man Thought He Lacked Nothing…That Very Night He Died!

 “There was a rich man who had much money. He said, ‘I will use my money that I may sow and reap and plant and fill my storehouses with fruit, so that I lack nothing.’ This was what he thought in his heart. And that very night he died. Whoever has ears let him hear!”

--Jesus, saying 63, The Gospel According To Thomas

Have you ever reflected upon what happens to you upon your death? Do you live your life believing that if you acquire more material possessions that this will make you happy? Are you so caught up in world that you take no time for your soul?

I invite my readers to spend a few minutes reflecting upon the parable of the rich man who thought he lacked nothing, only to die that very night. Please note that Jesus makes no mention of an afterlife or that the rich man will be punished in an afterlife; instead, Jesus just says “that very night he died.”

Indeed, this is the end of all who die: They suffer both a spiritual and physical death. This follows since as Jesus tells us in saying 29, “Spirit came into being because of the body.” In other words, all living beings have a) a life force which in humans beings is part of the blueprint body and is the source of Chi or God’s energy. This life force is lifeless without the second part, b) Spirit or animating energy which is what you are but again this is potential as without Chi or the white life force located in the belly region and in one’s central column, there is no movement or life. Thus, when the physical body dies, then one is lifeless since the animating function or spirit has nothing with which to animate.

It is God’s plan for human beings to live on planet earth in paradise (see saying 19) forever in physical form. We know that Immortality is in physical form since in saying 85 Jesus said, “Adam came into existence from a great power and a great wealth, and yet he did not become worthy of you. For had he been worthy, he would not have tasted death.”  Note that when Adam died he suffered both a spiritual and physical death. There is no mention in Genesis that Adam went anywhere when he died. No, when Adam died that was the end of him as is the case for all human beings who follow Adam.

Thus, I invite he who has ears to hear: Today is the day of salvation!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Unified Field Theory: What Einstein Missed

Spilt a piece of wood—I am there.

Lift a stone, and you will find me there.

--Jesus, Saying 77, The Gospel of Thomas

 In this essay, I sketch the broad outlines of an original model to explain the origin of the universe. I call this the “Unified Field Theory.” It elucidates what Albert Einstein missed.

1. There is only one active force in the universe: Dark matter. This matter is invisible, but researchers have been able to deduce its existence by inference. Note that I use the terms "dark matter" and "dark energy" interchangeably. This force makes up 95% of the universe. See:  What is Dark Matter? - Space.com and Dark Energy, Dark Matter | Science Mission Directorate.
Implicit in this claim:
a. There exist a void or a place of absolute stillness from which this dark matter originates. If you like, you can call it the place of God.
b. Dark matter is an expanding force.
c. Dark matter is the ether-like medium through which objects (mass) float through space. Please note that there is no pre-existing space as it is created as space itself expands.

2. The Unified Field Theory explains what Albert Einstein missed: He incorrectly thought the universe was in a steady-state and had never changed. Today, however, we know the universe is expanding. The implications of this, along with its relationship to dark matter, allows one to deduce a Unified Field Theory.

3. Encoded in the universe are natural laws or laws which pre-exist the creation of the universe. The very structure of the universe ensures that mathematics exist and proves the existence of God.

4. Matter comes from the arrangement of the elements which comes from the compression of atoms so that the nucleus of the atoms fuse together. This is done via a supernovae-like explosion in which a star collapses and then blows itself up, spewing its newly formed elements about the universe. This is how carbon was formed. Later carbon was crystalized. In the case of diamonds, carbon combined in a tetrahedral structure. See: How can graphite and diamond be so different if they are both ...

 5. The speed of light, according to the Unified Field Theory, is the absolute maximum any matter can go through the ether wave (note: The ether wave is composed of dark energy). While this ether wave travels at infinite speed or more accurately travels at no speed since everything is instantaneous connected to everything else, light by the fact it has to travel through a medium creates friction. In fact, 186,000 miles per second is slow! Note that dark energy is what is propelling light.

6.  Gravity, according to the Unified Field Theory, is the result of an object existing is a medium (dark energy). Similar to children jumping on a box-spring bed, the jumping up and down creates a deflating of the bed. In space, this deflating is a bend or a curve. This implies that objects do not fall to the earth as much as the earth catches up to the object. So Isaac Newton was wrong. The apple did not fall from the tree; instead, when the apple lost its connection to the tree it no longer had any force to keep it in place. In the freefall of space, then, space caught the apple.  Note that this follows since space is constantly expanding.

7. Time is a mathematical construct which uses a reference point to compare the points in space in which objects have traveled. While Einstein posited a “time-space” dimension, this is just a mathematical construct; in reality, it is space, which is being created moment by moment (by dark energy) allows for objects to travel through space. In fact, there is no such thing as time.

8. The Unified Field Theory rejects the “Big Bang” hypothesis and instead accepts a “cold bang”: From a void, a placeless place, God through His will created dark energy/matter and allowed for laws which would allow for creation from the small to the large. This is an ongoing process and the universe will continue to expand forever.

9. A practical application of the Unified Field Theory: Dark energy could be tapped as a source of infinite energy. All that is necessary is for engineers to accept that is possible and then construct a conduit which will allow for this.

10. In this brief essay, I have presented an original model of the universe. It shows that if you “spilt a piece of wood,” God will be there; if you “lift up a stone,” there God will be. Dark matter is the connection between the physical universe and the spiritual universe. The existence of dark matter explains the expansion of space, gravity, time, and matter. It is all there is. 

Ten of My All-Time Favorite Posts

1. Sabbath Sermon: “Physical Immorality: The Second Fire that Set the World Ablaze in 1945” —February 22, 2016. This is the post which restores Jesus original message: Physical Immortality is possible by being resurrected with Jesus. It is with great gratitude that God would use me to lead the world out of darkness and into the light.

2.  The Unified Field Theory: What Einstein Missed —April 4, 2017. This post connects dark matter/energy—which is where everything is coming from—with the light which comes into being by itself. This light is Jesus. 

3. Executive Summary: Evidence That The Gospel According To Thomas is an Authentic Sayings Book --January 29, 2019. This post is a summary of four previous essays which shows Thomas are authentic sayings of Jesus.

4. A Message Of Christmas Hope For John C. and My Readers: Merry Christmas, Everyone! --December 18, 2018. This post shows the seeker how to activate the Immortal sayings of Jesus in Thomas at the Immortal frequency.

5.  Forgeries In the New Testament —May 30, 2017. Once the New Testament (N.T.) student comes across the scholarship of Bart Erhman he will know that the N.T. is filled for forgeries. So much for the screams of the Christian: “The New Testament is the Word of God!” Reply: “No, Sir, the New Testament is bunch of bullshit invented by the early church fathers after Jesus failed to returned by 70 A.D.” See: The Bart Ehrman Blog .

6.   Original Model: “The Messianic Secret In the Gospel of Thomas” ---This post reviews why The Gospel According To Thomas is the greatest text ever written: It contains the sayings of Jesus after his Resurrection.

7. Quick Overview of the Thomas Immortality Project --January 23, 2018. This post uses a question-and-answer format in order to give the interested reader a quick overview of the Thomas Immortality Project.

8.  The Earth-Spine-Crown Connection: Constructing the Immortal Will, Part II-- Posted on February 27, 2018. In this essay I use a fine-tuning argument to prove the existence of God, explain what the Hayflick Limit is, and show how activating the Bindu Chakra will shift the DNA’s aging code.

9. Two-Year Celebration of the Thomas Immortality Project: Some of My Favorite Posts --Posted on February 13, 2018. This post includes 19 of my favorite posts with some overlap with posts noted on today's post.

10. Females Are Not Worthy of Life: Commentary on Saying 114 in the Gospel of Thomas ---Posted on October 16, 2018. Females are an evil energy at their core and thus in an Immortal society they will be eliminated.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Notes for the Thomas Immortality Student

1. During everyday happenings such as interacting with humans, being in public, performing a task one’s awareness is connected with Yeshua in the upper chest region. This is above the heart and below the throat.  During meditation the seeker resurrects with Yeshua by activating the Transpersonal point about 3 feet above the head. When one is in the animating energy, the seeker is united with Yeshua at the Physical Immortal Frequency. Finally, as one speaks he will speak at the Physical Immortal frequency as he practices activating the sayings in Thomas at the Physical Immortal frequency every morning. Side note: Yeshua is Jesus’ name and is what his followers call him by.
2. Thomas students might like to read Charles Fillmore’s text, Atom-Smashing Power of Mind, Unity School of Christianity, 1949. In chapter 13, “The Body” he writes:
“We must stop calling out body flesh and blood and see it as it is in Spirit-Mind: Pure and incorruptible. This realization of man’s perfect body will arrest decay, disintegration, and death.” 

3. Mr. Fillmore, the founder of the Unity church, was an Immortalist. He believed that with spiritual transformations the physical body could be Immortal. Yet in 1948 he died. Why? I see several missing elements in his program: the need to shift one’s consciousness from a subject-object dual awareness to being animating energy; Mr. Fillmore did not understand that the ego and super ego needs to be dissolved; also, there is a lack of insight into the nature of entering the Light: Activating Transpersonal energies outside the head.

4. To dissolve traumas or darkness of any negative energy one will:
a. Allow his awareness to connect with the trauma.
b. Shift one’s consciousness to being animating energy.
c. Intend for the trauma to be dissolved and thus integrated into one’s whole being.
The above 3-step process is repeated dozens of times over the course of several weeks. Then one might use a high dose of THC in order to dissolve the structure. 
5. I have used the above procedure to dissolve the ego, the bitch self, and traumas. However, I have not been completely successful in dissolving the super ego. It does appear to be nearing a point where it is about to be dissolve. Note that the “bitch self” is connected to one’s self-esteem in the solar plexus region and to the heart and connects to the genital region. It can cause an erection in a male by creating a story where one has been punished. It was actually easy to dissolve. It appears that the light of one’s consciousness at a higher frequency will cause these dark structures to dissolve. 
6. The Matrix, a 5th-dimensional structure in which the minds of humans are connected in some kind of group consciousness, shows there is no free will when one is controlled by the ego brain. How am I so sure the Matrix exists?
In research of the paranormal two phenomenon have been shown to exist: telepathy and precognition. For telepathy to exist, this implies that there is One Mind which is the source of one’s thoughts. In a sense, then, when one is communicating with another human, he is talking to himself. More accurately, all minds are connected to an energy grid. Precognition shows that the future has already happened when one is controlled by the Matrix. 

7. An excellent text showing that telepathy and precognition exist is: The End of Materialism: How Evidence of the Paranormal is Bringing Science and Spirit Together by Charles Tart, New Harbinger Publications, Inc. 2009. I like this text because Dr. Tart is a scientist and a researcher. Thus, he defines his terms, offers supporting evidence, and considers various models to explain phenomenon. Please see chapter 6, “Telepathy,” and chapter 8, “Precognition” for insights.  To read this text online, see: 

8. To leave the Matrix the seeker will make the God Connection. One way to do this is by constructing a light pole from the crown of one’s head to the heavens above—to God—and then allow this light pole to go through the body and then down to the earth. Since God is both potential energy and animating energy, there will be a sense of peace with high energy when the God Connection is made. As one might deduce in point 1 above, the light pole is Yeshua since God is formless. Note that activating the light pole is part of one’s daily meditation practice. 

9. Saying 29 in The Gospel According to Thomas is insightful: 
Jesus said, “If flesh came into being because of Spirit, it is a marvel, but if Spirit came into being because of the body, it is a marvel of marvels. Yet I marvel at how this great wealth has come to dwell in this poverty.”
The key phrase is: “Spirit came into being because of the body.” In other words, as recorded in Genesis 2: 7, “God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils breath of life; and man became a living being” first the body was created and then God’s animating energy sourced man and thus allowed him to be alive. Here we see soul=spirit. This means: Man does not have a soul, but instead is a soul. By this usage, it can be seen that anything with life has a soul since it is sourced by God’s animating energy. What separates man from the animals is that his animating energy is at a high enough level that the God Connection is possible. 
10. Also, note that saying 29 is telling us that while the Spirit is above the body in consciousness, both the Spirit and body are necessary for either to exist. Thus, without a body there is no soul or animating energy; without Spirit the body would be lifeless and thus dead.
11. The above insight shows that Jesus did teach Physical Immortality as the physical body and the animating energy operate as a unit since you cannot have one without the other and be a living being. This insight shows that at the death of the body, the soul also ceases. Moreover, because the body and Spirit are linked, it is clear Jesus did not teach life after death.