Tuesday, June 26, 2018

My Journey into Enlightenment and Physical Immortality

Enlightenment became quite easy once I ran across the teachings of Tony Parson some 15 years ago. The first insight: To become Enlightened one needs to shift his awareness from the brain to outside the brain. Tony showed me that the Ego is an artificial construct and in my personal communications with him I found him to be an excellent mentor. Please see: www.theopensecret.com for additional insights. Also, his text, As It Is: The Open Secret of Spritual Awakening: Tony Parsons ... is written at a high vibrational level.

Under Tony’s mentorship I became awakened. This means I was able to leave my awareness or consciousness in the brain, but after a minute or so my awareness came back. Then in 2015 I used marijuana for anxiety and then a more permanent shift occurred: I was able to easily shift my awareness from the brain to a Transpersonal Point outside the brain. Then I saw what the Ego was: A construct which the brain used via the story-telling function of the left hemisphere.

The next step in my journey was finding my core self or center. This is where one’s spark of divinity exists. It is located near the heart in the rib cage, but is not in the heart itself. Once I discovered my spark of divinity or sometimes called the “soul” I could easily shift from the story-telling function of the brain which the ego uses and be who I am: Eternal, awareness, joyous, and at peace.

My journey into Physical Immortality starts with Robert Coon. In his text Voyages into Avalon (see: Robert Coon's Books and Publications Spotlight - Lulu) he encouraged all seeks of Immortality to use the words in this text and invite the Holy Spirit of Truth into one’s heart. Lo and Behold: It happened! God’s Spirit of Truth enter my being and starting guiding my life. Please note that this is a gentle spirit and thus one will have to have a daily relationship with it in order for God’s Spirit to be fully expressed. Thus, one will continue to be in error, but now there is a possibility of correcting the error.

The next breakthrough occurred in 2014 when I acquired Marvin Myer’s text: The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus. See: The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus: Marvin W ... Here in the introduction into this ancient text was the promise of Immortality: “Whoever finds the meaning of these words will not taste death.” Of course, the question arose: Did Jesus mean physical death or spiritual death? Through careful reading of the text and studying sayings such as 85: “Adam came from great power and great wealth. But he did not become worthy of you. For had he been worthy, then he would not have tasted death,” it became clear that since Adam was created in the image of God as a Physical Immortal and that mankind was created to live on earth with God forever, that the death Adam suffered was both a spiritual and physical death.

Many other saying confirmed this analysis. For example, in saying 22 of Thomas we are told how to construct an Immortal body: “When you make the two into one, the inside like the outside, the outside like the inside, the above like the below, make the male self and female self into a single one…and when you make eyes which replace eyes, and a hand to replace a hand, a foot to replace a foot, a face to replace a face, then you will enter the Kingdom of God. “ Later this analysis was confirmed by Andrew Harvey in his forward to The Gospel of Thomas: Annotated & Explained (SkyLight Illuminations ... by Stevan Davies.

My next step in the journey was using the purification practices in Eckhart Tolle in his text Practicing the Power of Now. See: Practicing the Power of Now: Essential Teachings ... - Amazon.com. In particular, his chapter on dissolving the pain-body was helpful as by my higher awareness I was able to dissolve the demons which had lodged in my body. Also, his meditation practices on being connected to the body’s animating energies and allow the body to vibrate at a high frequency was quite helpful (see pages 61-65). It took me about a year in order to fully make this connection. As Tolle has hinted in several cases, but never directed stated, these practices will shifting the aging code of the DNA. By direct experience, I can confirm that these practices indeed will  have an effect on the body’s aging.

I came across a website called “esoteric science” in which Lee Bradon , The true-Self, the false-self and the ego - Esoteric Science , showed that once you can activate the Transpersonal Self, then you can create a field of awareness surrounding your body. In this space there is a sense of boundlessness and the body will start vibrating at a high frequency.

As one moves to higher levels above the Transpersonal Self and constructs higher levels of circles of awareness, then the body’s frequency also increased. Making the connection between Jesus’ command to construct an Immortal body in saying 22 of Thomas, and the higher vibrational energy found through Tolle’s practices, I started jumping to higher frequencies. And the higher I jumped above my head, the higher the body’s frequency became. I have conjectured, but am not sure, that the 23th level is about where the frequency Jesus possessed when he Resurrected from the dead. Thus, this is the level the seeker wants to obtain.

During my daily meditation practice I use a nearly completely darkened room and lay down to connect my in and out breaths. I start with breathing into the base of my spine and then activate the kundalini in order for this Immortal current to go up the spine and then up to the crown of my head. While I used marijuana on a regular basis, today I have discontinued using marijuana as it is no longer necessary. It took me two years of meditation practice before I no longer needed marijuana for various activations.

On February 22, 2016 I started the Thomas Immortality Project blog in which I introduced Jesus’ original message as revealed in the Gospel According To Thomas: The Kingdom of God is right here, right now on planet earth as there is no afterlife. Note that after one’s death, one’s spirit returns to God and that is the end of him. While it’s possible that the soul that used your body will be recycled in what is called reincarnation, this is an impersonal arrangement and has nothing to do the essence of everything that make you a unique spiritual being. In case, the original message of Jesus is to create paradise on earth so that human beings can live forever in physical form.

As of today, June 26, 2018, the journey continues with my posting weekly essays every Tuesday. It is a joy to share Jesus’ original message with the world! Also, it forces me to work with the Spirit of Truth to delve into various topics as they arise. I invite each reader to join me in this marvelous journey which is forever. Should any reader have like any pointers in his quest for eternal life, then please contact me at safeway7354@gmail.com. Please note that Jesus said, “Whoever is Living from the Living One will not see death” (saying 111) and “Whoever is near me is near the fire and whoever is far from me is far from the Kingdom” (saying 82). Thus, I would encourage each reader to have a direct relationship with Jesus in order not to see death.

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