Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Note To Readers: I Will Be On Vacation Next Week--Happy Independence Day!

Dear Readers:

I wish to thank each of you for your interest in eternal life. Next week is July 4th Holiday and thus I will be celebrating this nation’s Independence from England in 1776. God willing, there will be a new post on July 10, 2018. Happy Independence Day!

My Journey into Enlightenment and Physical Immortality

Enlightenment became quite easy once I ran across the teachings of Tony Parson some 15 years ago. The first insight: To become Enlightened one needs to shift his awareness from the brain to outside the brain. Tony showed me that the Ego is an artificial construct and in my personal communications with him I found him to be an excellent mentor. Please see: www.theopensecret.com for additional insights. Also, his text, As It Is: The Open Secret of Spritual Awakening: Tony Parsons ... is written at a high vibrational level.

Under Tony’s mentorship I became awakened. This means I was able to leave my awareness or consciousness in the brain, but after a minute or so my awareness came back. Then in 2015 I used marijuana for anxiety and then a more permanent shift occurred: I was able to easily shift my awareness from the brain to a Transpersonal Point outside the brain. Then I saw what the Ego was: A construct which the brain used via the story-telling function of the left hemisphere.

The next step in my journey was finding my core self or center. This is where one’s spark of divinity exists. It is located near the heart in the rib cage, but is not in the heart itself. Once I discovered my spark of divinity or sometimes called the “soul” I could easily shift from the story-telling function of the brain which the ego uses and be who I am: Eternal, awareness, joyous, and at peace.

My journey into Physical Immortality starts with Robert Coon. In his text Voyages into Avalon (see: Robert Coon's Books and Publications Spotlight - Lulu) he encouraged all seeks of Immortality to use the words in this text and invite the Holy Spirit of Truth into one’s heart. Lo and Behold: It happened! God’s Spirit of Truth enter my being and starting guiding my life. Please note that this is a gentle spirit and thus one will have to have a daily relationship with it in order for God’s Spirit to be fully expressed. Thus, one will continue to be in error, but now there is a possibility of correcting the error.

The next breakthrough occurred in 2014 when I acquired Marvin Myer’s text: The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus. See: The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus: Marvin W ... Here in the introduction into this ancient text was the promise of Immortality: “Whoever finds the meaning of these words will not taste death.” Of course, the question arose: Did Jesus mean physical death or spiritual death? Through careful reading of the text and studying sayings such as 85: “Adam came from great power and great wealth. But he did not become worthy of you. For had he been worthy, then he would not have tasted death,” it became clear that since Adam was created in the image of God as a Physical Immortal and that mankind was created to live on earth with God forever, that the death Adam suffered was both a spiritual and physical death.

Many other saying confirmed this analysis. For example, in saying 22 of Thomas we are told how to construct an Immortal body: “When you make the two into one, the inside like the outside, the outside like the inside, the above like the below, make the male self and female self into a single one…and when you make eyes which replace eyes, and a hand to replace a hand, a foot to replace a foot, a face to replace a face, then you will enter the Kingdom of God. “ Later this analysis was confirmed by Andrew Harvey in his forward to The Gospel of Thomas: Annotated & Explained (SkyLight Illuminations ... by Stevan Davies.

My next step in the journey was using the purification practices in Eckhart Tolle in his text Practicing the Power of Now. See: Practicing the Power of Now: Essential Teachings ... - Amazon.com. In particular, his chapter on dissolving the pain-body was helpful as by my higher awareness I was able to dissolve the demons which had lodged in my body. Also, his meditation practices on being connected to the body’s animating energies and allow the body to vibrate at a high frequency was quite helpful (see pages 61-65). It took me about a year in order to fully make this connection. As Tolle has hinted in several cases, but never directed stated, these practices will shifting the aging code of the DNA. By direct experience, I can confirm that these practices indeed will  have an effect on the body’s aging.

I came across a website called “esoteric science” in which Lee Bradon , The true-Self, the false-self and the ego - Esoteric Science , showed that once you can activate the Transpersonal Self, then you can create a field of awareness surrounding your body. In this space there is a sense of boundlessness and the body will start vibrating at a high frequency.

As one moves to higher levels above the Transpersonal Self and constructs higher levels of circles of awareness, then the body’s frequency also increased. Making the connection between Jesus’ command to construct an Immortal body in saying 22 of Thomas, and the higher vibrational energy found through Tolle’s practices, I started jumping to higher frequencies. And the higher I jumped above my head, the higher the body’s frequency became. I have conjectured, but am not sure, that the 23th level is about where the frequency Jesus possessed when he Resurrected from the dead. Thus, this is the level the seeker wants to obtain.

During my daily meditation practice I use a nearly completely darkened room and lay down to connect my in and out breaths. I start with breathing into the base of my spine and then activate the kundalini in order for this Immortal current to go up the spine and then up to the crown of my head. While I used marijuana on a regular basis, today I have discontinued using marijuana as it is no longer necessary. It took me two years of meditation practice before I no longer needed marijuana for various activations.

On February 22, 2016 I started the Thomas Immortality Project blog in which I introduced Jesus’ original message as revealed in the Gospel According To Thomas: The Kingdom of God is right here, right now on planet earth as there is no afterlife. Note that after one’s death, one’s spirit returns to God and that is the end of him. While it’s possible that the soul that used your body will be recycled in what is called reincarnation, this is an impersonal arrangement and has nothing to do the essence of everything that make you a unique spiritual being. In case, the original message of Jesus is to create paradise on earth so that human beings can live forever in physical form.

As of today, June 26, 2018, the journey continues with my posting weekly essays every Tuesday. It is a joy to share Jesus’ original message with the world! Also, it forces me to work with the Spirit of Truth to delve into various topics as they arise. I invite each reader to join me in this marvelous journey which is forever. Should any reader have like any pointers in his quest for eternal life, then please contact me at safeway7354@gmail.com. Please note that Jesus said, “Whoever is Living from the Living One will not see death” (saying 111) and “Whoever is near me is near the fire and whoever is far from me is far from the Kingdom” (saying 82). Thus, I would encourage each reader to have a direct relationship with Jesus in order not to see death.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Spinal Column Activation: The Key To Physical Immortality

Overview: If someone wanted a single practice in order to be a Physical Immortal, then I would strongly recommend the “spinal column activation.” This practice starts with the base of the spine, moves up the spinal column, and then to the top of the head. Please note that there are several major variations on this practice, but I am convinced that this practice is foundational.

Note to Thomas Students: Embedded in this practice is the “God Connection” since it can only be done when the Transpersonal Self has been activated. See: Activating the Light Consciousness by Shifting One’s Awareness to the Transpersonal Self , a post on this blog.

1. The first step is to activate the tailbone or what is called the coccyx which is the base of the spine. In Yogic terms, this is called the first chakra or the root chakra. See: Coccyx - Wikipedia and Images for coccyx.

2. The tailbone is activated for the true will for Physical Immortality: “Father: Please activate my tailbone for the true will for Physical Immortality. Thanks, God!”

3. The next step is to breathe in from the tailbone. Note that chakras are a wheel-like structure which when opened can allow God’s Universal Energy to enter the chakra. Also, note that the color red is associated with the root chakra. See: Know Your Root Chakra And How To Activate Its Power - Chakras.

4. The next step is to inhale a breath and then move the energy up the spine to the top of the head or the crown chakra. Here we see you will be “blocked” unless the Transpersonal Self, which is about 6 inches above the head is activated. And in order to activate the Transpersonal Self one has surrendered his will to God and thus has deactivated the Ego.  An immediate consequence of this is someone who is not living a God-Centered life will not be able to become an Immortal.

5. The next step is to exhale while releasing the energy out of the top of the head or crown chakra. Note that God’s Universal Energy is called prana in Yoga while the Immortal energies in the body which is located at the base of the spine is called the kundalini.  In essence, we are breathing in the Immortal energies of the earth at the base of the spine and then using the body's Immortal energy, the kundalini, to rise up to the crown of the head.

6. In my practice I connect the in and out breaths with a slight pause when the energy is at the top of the head. This is part of the “Rebirthing Process” as my I practice consciously connected breathing. See: What is conscious connected breathing or rebirthing breathwork?

7. The 1st-7th chakra connection is called the main power current that runs up and down the spine and is the main power current that nourishes the whole body. Note that this current pulsates up and down the spine and thus connects to each of the 7 major chakras. Side Note: The charkas, 2nd to 6th ,have both a front and back part to them. The front part is located in the front of your body and are connected to the feeling centers while the back of your body these same chakras are connected to the will centers. Thus, by doing the spinal column activation, one is also activating all the chakras.

8. One variation to the spinal column practice is to retain or hold the breath when the current has risen from the base of the spine. Usually, this is practiced by Yogis in what is called Pranayama Yoga. Normally, the Yogis will hold their breath for 12 seconds or so. While I do this sometimes, I usually stick with the Rebirthing Process and connect my in and out breaths. Also, a more advanced practice is to move the energy up the spine on the in-breath and then move the energy down on the out-breath. This is highly recommended.

9. Note that what I am calling the “spinal column” is actually the “etheric spinal column” since we are dealing with a spiritual body, not merely the physical body.

10. You should feel the spinal column tingle as the whole body will be vibrating at a high frequency. I would conjecture that this high vibrational frequency is connected with shifting the aging process and the DNA code which programs human beings with a death instinct. Note that while I no longer need to use marijuana for this activation, I did need to use marijuana for the first year of this practice. This is something seekers might like to play with and see what happens.

11. As the kunalini rises up the spinal column it will activate all the major chakras as well as the neck chakra, the Bindu chakra, the crown chakra and the 6th chakra. Note these chakras are connected to pineal gland which will allow the Light to flow in your body.

12. Thomas students are encouraged to combine the Spinal Column Practice with the Resurrection Frequency Practice. See: The Resurrection Frequency Meditation Practice , a post on this blog. Thus, I will spend 10-15 minutes doing the spinal column practice and then exit the energy outside the crown of the head to activate the Transpersonal Self. At this point, I construct a field of awareness or a circle around my entire body; this is level one. Next I breathe in the base of my spine and then rise up the spine, out the crown upon exhaling and then construct a second circle. Once my awareness is at the second circle, I keep my attention there and then breathe in and out as a construct a third circles. Note that these are concentric circles.

13. The point of the Resurrection Frequency Practice is to reach the frequency Jesus had when he Resurrected from the dead. I believe this frequency is around the 23rd level, but I am not certain. In any case, even jumping to the 7th level will allow the body to start vibrating at a high frequency. 

Summary: The Spinal Column Practice is activating the main power current which pulsates up and down the spine. This daily practice will assist the seeker is rising the body’s frequency, thus shifting the aging code. Note that the Transpersonal Self has to be activated before this practice will be effective. Then the kudalini which is located at the base of the spine will be able to rise up with the main power current. While these explanations may appear complicated, in practice it’s quite easy: Breathe in base of the spine and then breathe out the top of your head or the crown chakra.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Rebirthing Process, Activating the Bindu Chakra, and Other Notes

1. As part of the rebirthing process, being born from above (Saying 22, Gospel of Thomas), it is recommended for the truth seeker to meditate for one hour a day. The practice includes: a) The Holy Vow, b) Activating the Spirit of Truth, c) Saying Jesus’ words aloud at the Immortal Frequency, d) Exercise, e) Use marijuana, f) lay down and meditate for an hour.

2. The marijuana-infused meditation is part of the rebirthing process as one connects his in-breath to his out-breath in a process called, “consciously-connected breathing.” Experimentally, this has been shown to have many benefits for the body and brain as it awakes. Please see: Rebirthing - Introduction Into This Highly Efficient Technique and Rebirthing and Psychotherapy: The Micro and Macro Levels of ... - IAHIP

3. The bindu chakra is located at the very top of your head, where the part is in your hair. Please see for a picture: Bindu Chakra — the Main Things You Should Know About.

5. The bindu chakra is associated with the light and the transpersonal self. I would conjecture that as this chakra is activated the 8th chakra (outside the head) is also activated. Please note that Immortality is a two-step process:

  1. To enter the light—this is activating the transpersonal self and seeing through the games of the ego.
  2. Activating the words of Jesus at the Immortal Frequency and allowing the body to vibrate at this frequency.
6. The will for Immortality is a foundational step in being an Immortal. Few people care about eternal life and thus when they die that will be the end of them. But a few have been chosen to accept the gift of eternal life: “I will choose you, one from a thousand and two from ten thousand. And they will stand as a single one” (Jesus, Saying 23, Gospel of Thomas). The very fact that the reader has taken the time and interest to read about Jesus’ original message—the Kingdom of God is available right here, right now---demonstrates that he has been chosen. It will be up to him to gladly receive the words which lead to everlasting life!

7. On a political note: I view Donald J. Trump to be an evil being. My greatest concern is the real possibility of a limited nuclear war in which 50 million Americans (or so) are nuked. While Clinton had many flaws, I believe her experience as Secretary of State under the Obama administration served her well. In contrast, Trump is ill-informed about even basic matters and makes many beginner’s mistakes in foreign policy. Please see my previous analysis: Readers: Demand Donald Trump Be Arrested For Treason!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Turning From a Frog to a Prince: Rewriting the Script with God’s Love

"When you come to know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will realize you are the Sons of the Living Father. If you do not know yourselves, then you exist in poverty and you are poverty"
—Jesus, Saying 3, The Gospel According to Thomas



1. Predator vs. Prey. Fucking vs. those who are fucked. The worthy vs. those who are unworthy. Each person takes a position which like the three above lie on the aggressive-passive spectrum. These positions are unconscious programs called life scripts. Getting to know yourself and your life script and then transforming it is the goal of the Immortal. 


2. From one’s life script will come various games which the person plays. These games are social transactions one plays according to the social rules of the culture and allow for positive and negative strokes. The end result of all games is the payoff: The psychic energy exchange between the two or more parties. These exchanges occur at a 5th dimension level as, say, being disrespect by party A will then give the said party A your life energy. In a way, one can say a good game player “steals” the life energy out of his unwitting victims for the purpose of increasing his energy. Usually, the games are complementary and both parties receive rewards and punishments according to the agreed upon rules of the game.


3. Once a person has collected games, then all he needs are various ways to spend his 70 years or so while alive. The favorite ways to spend time include: Playing games, engaging in mating rituals, employment, and pastimes. By the time one is 21 years of age one will have his life script written and will play it out until rigor mortis sets in. Again, it needs to be stressed: There is no free will in the writing of these scripts; they are unconscious programs which only years of careful self-examination will reveal. 


4. So how can a person change? Here are three proposals:

* Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy—This is a short-term therapy which seeks to change behavior by altering the way someone thinks. The goal is to activate the adult part of the individual so that he has self-control over his urges. The major foundational problem with this approach is that is presumes one is an adult who is capable of rational thought. Of course, many people are not capable of rational thought and thus this therapy will not work for them. 


* Relationship Therapy—This can be either a one-on-one therapy or part of a group therapy in which the emphasis is on changing one’s relationship with others and thereby change oneself. One of the foundational issues here is: What happens as games are played during therapy? Will the therapist intervene when a client starts playing games? If so, how will he do so? Without the language of game theory in place, I am not sure how this would look like. (Side note: When I refer to “games” and “game theory” I am making use of the model created by Eric Berne of Games People Play fame.) 


* Insight or Gnosis Therapy—This is seeking self-knowledge or gnosis for the purpose of spiritual development. Please study Jesus’ saying quoted above: “If you do not know yourselves, then you exist in poverty.” Insight theory works by doing a script analysis of the individual. The goal is to bring the script from unconscious awareness, thereby transforming it by bringing light to the darkness. The problem, of course, is the script was written at a young age and then implanted in the person’s brain without him being aware of it. He is in complete darkness!


Example: Deborah was a 34-year old bisexual who was held responsible for the death of a 3-year old playmate when Deborah was 9-years old. The playmate ran into the road even though Deborah had held her hand tight. Deborah’s father beat the shit out her. From that day forward she hated God and she hated men. She spent her life in the following relationship pattern: She would allow men to get close to her and even allow them to fuck her; then within a year into the relationship she would do all she could to fuck her male partner up. She shift from being a sweet little girl to being a witch. For Deborah to change she will have to be aware of her script. Probably it is more at a preconscious than unconscious level in the sense that it can be accessed when there is outside stimulus but otherwise is unknown. Once she intellectually sees her script, she will then need to merge with the traumas in the body; her presence or awareness will transform it as she becomes a living spirit. Once there is a healing of the pain-body, then Deborah can rewrite the script. The healing will require God’s Love to be allowed to flow throughout the body. As the traumas are healed there can be an openness to forgive and be present in the body. 


6. Structurally, human beings have a death instinct as well as a life instinct. The death instinct is an unconscious wish to die. It expresses itself in the body via the aging process, a process by which the body and brain deteriorates over time. Thus, when rewriting one’s life script one might create an “Immortality script,” which calls for the person to live forever.



Example: Randy grew up in a foster home and at 4-year old was adopted by an abusive family, who sexually and physically abused him. Once when he was 12-year old he was given 5 back-to-back spankings by his adopted mother for saying “I’m sorry” the wrong way. At this point, he had confirmed his life script: I am worthless. He set up games in which he would be fucked. Somehow whatever he did, he was always fucked up. Since he was unaware of his life script, he thought the problem was with other people; he was unaware that his conduct and his attraction to various kinds of people led to his abuse. But this was a familiar pattern and he gained a lot of strokes, albeit, negative ones.


7. For Randy to change he will need to be aware of his life script and rewrite it at the energetic level in his body. His new script will be the “Immortality script,” which calls for eternal life. He will merge with his pain-body, allowing God’s Love to heal his traumas. In time, Randy will become a child again and thus will be able to love and be loved. 


8. Note that each person’s life script is tied to a matrix, a computer-like program controlled by alien beings (the ‘fallen angels’). The purpose of the matrix is for Satan to extract life energy from humans; these evil creatures use this energy in order to live. Thus, by rewriting one’s life script one is leaving the matrix. At the moment one has left the matrix there is a level of free will in allowing lessons to be learned and then transform oneself. It needs to be noted that 99.99% of human beings are controlled by the matrix and thus they have no free will. 


9. A prayer might be helpful: “Father—Please help me rewrite my script to the “Immortality script,” which will allow me to live forever in physical form on planet earth. I allow your unconditional love to flow throughout my body, healing me of all traumas as my will is united with your will at the Immortal Frequency. Thanks, Father!”


10.  One of the keys to the Thomas Immortality Project is self-knowledge. “Know Yourself!” This can happen on a daily basis by having an ongoing relationship with the Holy Spirit of Truth. Every morning I invite the Spirit of Truth to guide me throughout the day: “Holy Spirit of Truth—Please come into my being, right here right now. Show me any insights, original models or connections which might be helpful, especially those which will lead to eternal life. Keep me safe and protected and allow for some joy today. Thanks, Holy Spirit of Truth!”  Note: This is a recommended practice to be done each day. 


11. Why not decide to live forever? Why not see being alive as your birthright—a gift from God, the Living Father? Why not rewrite your life script to an Immortality script?



Summary: Self-knowledge or gnosis is the path Jesus recommends for every seeker of Immortality: “Know yourselves and then you will be known” (Saying 3, The Gospel According to Thomas). The goal is to know yourself, have insight into your life script, and then rewrite the script to the “Immortality script.” By allowing God’s love to flow throughout the body, traumas will be healed as one is allowed to be a child again. The future is bright as each day is a new beginning with a moment-by-moment love affair with God.