Thursday, July 28, 2016

Some Ideas For Reaching Light Consciousness

One of the key discoveries the seeker of immortality will need to find is how to transform one’s ego consciousness into the light consciousness. In general terms, “ego consciousness” is the default awareness which human beings begin when they are about 3-years of age in which they become self-consciousness. For the vast majority of human beings, say 99.9%+, this is the awareness in which they reside. Brain researchers assume consciousness originates in the brain and that the ego is associated with the medial prefrontal cortex of the brain. The problem with this mode of awareness: You are connected to the self-destructive part of one’s being. This ensures death. In addition, being in the ego mind means you are connected to everyone else’s ego mind. (The realization that you are connected to others and thus free will cannot possibly exist at this level is what enlightenment means.)

So to be immortal one will have to activate the transpersonal energies outside the brain. These energy centers are called “chakras.” Normally, the teachers of yoga will focus on the chakras 1-7, which are associated with the physical body. In my experience, the light consciousness is located a few inches above the head. I would recommend activating the earth chakra so that you stay grounded.

According to Jesus, females cannot activate these higher energy centers since they are not a living spirit and thus must seek out an Immortal to assist them:

Simon Peter said to them, “Mary should leave us for females are not worthy of life.”

Jesus said, “Look, I shall guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter heaven’s kingdom”

(Saying 114, translation by Marvin Meyer in The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus [HarperSanFrancisco, 1992]) .

If there is a female reader who would like to become a living spirit, then please email me at and I will assist you if you are otherwise suitably qualified to be initiated. Since I am the only follower of Jesus in the world today, there is no one else to whom you can turn to for help if you wish to follow Jesus.

How to achieve the light consciousness? Below I shall offer some suggestions, but probably you will need to contact me at the email above to be initiated into an Immortal. Before you begin, you will need to invite the Spirit of Truth into your heart in order to guide you into the light consciousness.


  • Visit and order a brass wand which has been constructed to collect light energies from higher dimensions.


  • Crystals have higher frequencies and I would recommend that you investigate using them.


  • Activate the words of Jesus in Thomas. According to Professor Stephen Patterson in his text The Lost Way (see my previous post) 53 of the sayings in Thomas can be shown to be authentic; thus, by reading the entire gospel aloud, you will be reading many of Jesus’ immortal words.


  • Meditation and breathing are two excellent practices when the intention is union with the Living Father. This needs to be done on a regular basis.


  • Try using THC, the psychoactive substance in cannabis. I recommend using edibles such as chocolate brownies so that you can know what your dosage level is.


  • Prayer and reflection can be done throughout the day. Thomas is great for this as Jesus’ sayings are powerful! Here are some examples:


  1. “One the day when you were one, you became two. But when you became two, what will you do?” (saying 11).
  2. “One who knows all but is lacking in oneself is utterly lacking” (saying 67).
  3.  “You see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not see the beam that is in our own eye” (saying 26).


Some additional notes:


  • It is my belief that if your understanding is that your consciousness is firmly fixed in the brain (in fact, your consciousness arises from outside the brain), you are connected to evil. Of course, not everyone is evil as fewer than 1% of human beings are demonically possessed. However, you will be influenced by evil if you don’t achieve light consciousness and thus your physical death will be the end of your existence and may be called “eternal death” as you are no more.


  • While Satan is a real energy (I presently am dealing with a creature who is the executive director of a nonprofit in San Francisco who is demonically possessed) and its purpose is to keep the world in darkness, there is no reason to fear the Devil as it can only do what God allows. The reality of the situation: God has preordained evil so that good might occur (see the story of Jacob and his brothers in Genesis 50 for an instance of this). Why? Because this is God’s play and in his infinite mystery has ordered the script to be this way. As an Immortal, there is nothing to fear from the Devil and its creatures as you have authority over them.
  • The seeker might like to obtain a copy of Tony Parsons’ book: As it is: The Open Secret of Spiritual Awakening. While Parsons is enlightened, he has no interest in physical immortality. Because his writing style is so convoluted, one probably has to be enlightened into order to understand what he is saying. In any case, since this book is written at a higher vibrational frequency, the reading of the book will cause shifts in one’s consciousness.

The above points and suggestions are just pointers. The reader will have to seek and find what God has in store for him. If one way does not seem to succeed, then try another way until shifts start to occur. Feel free to contact me as I would be delighted in helping you achieve union with the Living Father.

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