Sunday, July 31, 2016

Supporting the Claim: “The New Testament is a Fraudulent Document”

In this cursory overview, I shall support the claim “The New Testament is a fraudulent document.” First, please note that it is the general consensus of New Testament scholars that there are no original manuscripts of the books of the New Testament; all we have are copies of copies which are sometimes centuries after the original books were written. Secondly, there is no doubt that these manuscripts are not exact copies of the original as the copies of the same book differ from each other and thus the scholar will have to decide what in his opinion is the most likely to be nearest to the intended meaning of the original. Thirdly, to the degree possible the Roman Catholics destroyed all books except for the 27 which made it into the canon; this includes the original source books of the gospels, the saying books which recorded the words of Jesus. Fourthly, it needs to be noted that the translational problems from going from Greek to English are impossible to bridge in any direct way since the grammar must be “inverted” in order for the saying in Greek to make sense in English. Fifthly, there are many well-known examples of forgeries into the earliest manuscripts such as Mark 16:9-20 and John 7:53 to John 8:11.

From the above five points, anyone who says the Bible is the “Word of God” is sadly but surely mistaken.  The real question is: “To what degree have the 27 books which make up the New Testament been tampered with?”

Scholars have long noted the contradictions between the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. In addition to differing accounts to what during Jesus’ trial, crucifixion, and resurrection among the gospels, we have a differing theology between the first three gospels, the synoptic gospels and John. The reader who wishes an excellent overview of the above claims may access the New Testament scholar, Bart D. Erhman, latest text, How Jesus Became God (HarperOne 2014) or his college course of the same name from “The Great Courses” Company.

Please note that scholars are of the consensus view that about half of books in the New Testament which are attributed to Paul were written by others using his name. So I don’t know how one could accept the books such as I Timothy, II Timothy, Titus, and so forth as being inspired by God if the original understanding was these books were written by “Paul, an apostle, chosen by Jesus Christ” when they were written by other anonymous writers.

As far as the book of Revelation, in my view, this text has no historical grounding in fact. It appears to be a series of delusional images strung together. As far as what any of it means, no one knows.

Readers who are interested in a scholarly overview of the origins of Christianity might like to obtain the text, Trajectories Through Early Christianity, by James M. Robinson and Helmut Koester (Fortress Press, 1971). Please note in 367 A.D. Athanasisu of Alexandria required that all documents which were not part of the official canon to be destroyed. Until the Gospel of Thomas along with other original source materials were found in 1945, there were no original documents other the Roman-Catholic approved texts which could be read.

Once the Roman Catholics became the official church by order of the Roman Emperor Constantine, Christianity fell into complete darkness. All the original documents destroyed. Challenge to the Catholics was met by being burned to the stake. Wars, such as the Crusades, were fought on behalf of the Church.

Even as protests which arose in response to the corruptions in the Roman Catholic Church no one, not even Martin Luther, challenged the authenticity of the 27 books of the New Testament which were written or approved by the Catholics! This is the case since the protestors, the Protestants, assumed the 27 books were the “Holy Bible.” For some reason no one, not even the great Isaac Newton, thought to challenge whether the books were in fact “Holy.” Only in the past few years, with the trove of original documents, the Nag Hammadi Library, found in 1945 was there any concrete grounds to challenge the authenticity of the books of the New Testament. Today, research is clear: The New Testament is a fraudulent document if by “fraud” one means these books are inspired by God when they, like the Book of Mormon, were written and/or approved by man.

In my view, we have two paths which can be taken towards Christianity: 1) Admit that it is a religion based upon fraudulent documents and give it up as a lost cause, or 2) Accept the reality of Jesus’ resurrection and go back to the original documents such as the books of the Gospel of Thomas and Q and try to find out what Jesus’ original message is. I concur with the non-Christians that Christianity is a dead religion and needs to either go to the dustbin of history or start over beginning with a careful examination of the original source material.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Some Ideas For Reaching Light Consciousness

One of the key discoveries the seeker of immortality will need to find is how to transform one’s ego consciousness into the light consciousness. In general terms, “ego consciousness” is the default awareness which human beings begin when they are about 3-years of age in which they become self-consciousness. For the vast majority of human beings, say 99.9%+, this is the awareness in which they reside. Brain researchers assume consciousness originates in the brain and that the ego is associated with the medial prefrontal cortex of the brain. The problem with this mode of awareness: You are connected to the self-destructive part of one’s being. This ensures death. In addition, being in the ego mind means you are connected to everyone else’s ego mind. (The realization that you are connected to others and thus free will cannot possibly exist at this level is what enlightenment means.)

So to be immortal one will have to activate the transpersonal energies outside the brain. These energy centers are called “chakras.” Normally, the teachers of yoga will focus on the chakras 1-7, which are associated with the physical body. In my experience, the light consciousness is located a few inches above the head. I would recommend activating the earth chakra so that you stay grounded.

According to Jesus, females cannot activate these higher energy centers since they are not a living spirit and thus must seek out an Immortal to assist them:

Simon Peter said to them, “Mary should leave us for females are not worthy of life.”

Jesus said, “Look, I shall guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter heaven’s kingdom”

(Saying 114, translation by Marvin Meyer in The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus [HarperSanFrancisco, 1992]) .

If there is a female reader who would like to become a living spirit, then please email me at and I will assist you if you are otherwise suitably qualified to be initiated. Since I am the only follower of Jesus in the world today, there is no one else to whom you can turn to for help if you wish to follow Jesus.

How to achieve the light consciousness? Below I shall offer some suggestions, but probably you will need to contact me at the email above to be initiated into an Immortal. Before you begin, you will need to invite the Spirit of Truth into your heart in order to guide you into the light consciousness.


  • Visit and order a brass wand which has been constructed to collect light energies from higher dimensions.


  • Crystals have higher frequencies and I would recommend that you investigate using them.


  • Activate the words of Jesus in Thomas. According to Professor Stephen Patterson in his text The Lost Way (see my previous post) 53 of the sayings in Thomas can be shown to be authentic; thus, by reading the entire gospel aloud, you will be reading many of Jesus’ immortal words.


  • Meditation and breathing are two excellent practices when the intention is union with the Living Father. This needs to be done on a regular basis.


  • Try using THC, the psychoactive substance in cannabis. I recommend using edibles such as chocolate brownies so that you can know what your dosage level is.


  • Prayer and reflection can be done throughout the day. Thomas is great for this as Jesus’ sayings are powerful! Here are some examples:


  1. “One the day when you were one, you became two. But when you became two, what will you do?” (saying 11).
  2. “One who knows all but is lacking in oneself is utterly lacking” (saying 67).
  3.  “You see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not see the beam that is in our own eye” (saying 26).


Some additional notes:


  • It is my belief that if your understanding is that your consciousness is firmly fixed in the brain (in fact, your consciousness arises from outside the brain), you are connected to evil. Of course, not everyone is evil as fewer than 1% of human beings are demonically possessed. However, you will be influenced by evil if you don’t achieve light consciousness and thus your physical death will be the end of your existence and may be called “eternal death” as you are no more.


  • While Satan is a real energy (I presently am dealing with a creature who is the executive director of a nonprofit in San Francisco who is demonically possessed) and its purpose is to keep the world in darkness, there is no reason to fear the Devil as it can only do what God allows. The reality of the situation: God has preordained evil so that good might occur (see the story of Jacob and his brothers in Genesis 50 for an instance of this). Why? Because this is God’s play and in his infinite mystery has ordered the script to be this way. As an Immortal, there is nothing to fear from the Devil and its creatures as you have authority over them.
  • The seeker might like to obtain a copy of Tony Parsons’ book: As it is: The Open Secret of Spiritual Awakening. While Parsons is enlightened, he has no interest in physical immortality. Because his writing style is so convoluted, one probably has to be enlightened into order to understand what he is saying. In any case, since this book is written at a higher vibrational frequency, the reading of the book will cause shifts in one’s consciousness.

The above points and suggestions are just pointers. The reader will have to seek and find what God has in store for him. If one way does not seem to succeed, then try another way until shifts start to occur. Feel free to contact me as I would be delighted in helping you achieve union with the Living Father.

Monday, July 25, 2016

The Lost Way: What Is Jesus’ Authentic Message ?

In his groundbreaking opus magnum, The Lost Way: How Two Forgotten Gospels Are Rewriting the Story of Christian Origins (HarperOne, 2014), the New Testament scholar, Stephen J. Patterson, identifies 53 sayings of Jesus which can be accepted as authentic. On pages 215-216, Patterson gives, “Figure 10: A List of Thomas-Q Parallels.” From this list, can the follower of Jesus know what Jesus taught?

Yes. Because these 53 sayings have independent multiple attestations, the historian can be reasonably certain these sayings come directly from Jesus. In this overview, I shall excavate what Jesus taught and just as importantly what Jesus did not teach.
1. The follower of Jesus is first a seeker of wisdom. This comes from reflection and integrating Jesus’ teaching into one’s being. Here’s how Thomas introduces his gospel: “And he said, ‘whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death’” (sayings 1,2). In a saying book, Q, used by Matthew and Luke to construct their gospels, Jesus puts it this way: “And I tell you, Ask and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For every one who asks receives and he who seeks finds” (Q 11:9, 10).

2. Here we note that salvation can only be found by seeking. No one can do this for you. Listening to others will lead to eternal death. Here’s how Thomas puts it: “Jesus said, ‘If a blind person leads a blind person, both of them will fall into a hole' ” (saying 34). In Q Jesus says, “He also told them a parable, ‘Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit?' ” (Q 6:39).

3. What is the seeker seeking? The dedicated seeker will find he is a child of the Living Father: “When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are the children of the living Father” (saying 3). In Q Jesus says: “The Kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; nor will they say, ‘Lo, here it is!’ or ‘There!’ for behold, the Kingdom of God is in the midst of you” (Q 17: 20-21).

4. Once the seeker fully integrates that he is a child of the Living Father, the seeker unites with Jesus: “Whoever will not take up his cross and follow me as I do, will not be worthy of me” (saying 55). In Q Jesus says: “Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me, cannot be my disciple” (Q 14: 27).

5. What is the result for the seeker who unites with Jesus? The seeker is transformed into the consciousness of light: “There is a light within a person of light, and it shines on the whole world. If it does not shine, it is darkness” (saying 24). In Q Jesus says: “Your eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is sound, your whole body is full of light; but when it is not sound, you body is full of darkness" (Q 11:34). 

6. As the initiate transforms into the light consciousness, his relations with others is also transformed. The initiate sees others as potential immortals and treats them accordingly: “Jesus says, ‘Do not lie, and do not do what you hate, because all things are disclosed before heaven” (saying 6). In Q Jesus says: “And as you wish that men would do to you, do so to them” (Q 6: 31). 

7. When will the transformation into the light occur? Jesus is empathic that God’s Kingdom is right here, right now: “His followers said to him, ‘When will the kingdom come?’ It will not come by watching for it. It will not be said, ‘Look, here it is’ or ‘Look, there it is.’ Rather, the Father’s Kingdom is spread out upon the earth, and people do not see it" (saying 113). In Q Jesus says: “The Kingdom of God is in your midst of you” (Q 17:21).

8. The above seven teachings of Jesus are foundational in understanding and then gladly receiving his words. Jesus words points to both a physical and spiritual transformation in which there is a marriage of body and spirit into one. As the spiritual awakening occurs, the union with Jesus’ Resurrection also occurs. This leads to both a physical and spiritual resurrection. This is the discovery Jesus was hoping his listeners would discover: Immortality is available right here, right now!

9. In this dark age, nearly all who claim to be followers of Jesus accept the reality of Jesus’ physical resurrection. They also claim to be united with Jesus. Yet, they look for God’s Kingdom as a future event when Jesus’ entire message was to seek and find—NOW! Be transformed into light consciousness—NOW! Be physically resurrected with me—NOW! All the authentic sayings which Professor Patterson has collected point to the present moment in which salvation is found. In Thomas Jesus says: “You examine the face of heaven and earth, but you have not come to know the one in your presence, and you do not know how to examine this moment” (saying 91). In Q Jesus says, “You know how to interpret the appearance of earth and sky; but why do you not know how to interpret the present time?” (Q 12: 56).

Conclusion: The purpose of the Thomas Immortality Project is to restore Jesus’ original message to the world: Physical Immortality is available today! To my knowledge, I am the only follower of Jesus in the world as of today. Perhaps the reader would like to be a follower of Jesus. If so, you would be the second follower of Jesus since his brothers Judas and James who led the original Jesus movement after Jesus’ Resurrection; apparently, Judas is the author of the Gospel of Thomas and James was the leader in Jerusalem of Jesus’ followers. If the reader accepts the gift of eternal life, now is the time to do so since “you might die and then try to see the Living One, and you will be unable to see” (saying 59).

Monday, July 18, 2016

The Unity of Opposites: Transformation into an Immortal

Below is an exert from an essay, “Forward,” by Andrew Harvey, the series editor of the text, The Gospel of Thomas : Annotated and Explained written by Stevan Davies (Skylight Paths Publishing, 2009). I find this essay to be one of  the most profound piece of writing in the English language. This short essay, 12-pages long, is only matched by the immortal essayist, Jonathan Swift, of The Modest Proposal fame (written in 1729). In the cited passage, we have Harvey writing about the transformational effects of implementing the “unity of opposites” which Jesus spoke about in Saying 22:

Fourth and finally, we see in saying 22 the final cryptic sentences of the saying: “When you make an eye to replace an eye, and a hand to replace a hand, and a foot to replace a foot, and an image to replace an image, then you will enter the Kingdom.” What these lines describe is nothing less than the physical transformation that mystic union makes possible, the bringing up of original matter into the living truth of Light. The ultimate sign of Christ is the victory of the Resurrection, which is the marriage of matter and spirit to create a wholly new and eternal substance. The mystics who follow Christ into union come to know and taste the glory of the Resurrected Body in their own bodies. The powers available to the human being willing to undertake the full rigor of the Jesus-transformation are limitless. What could not be done to transform this world by a group of seekers who allow their whole beings—psychological, spiritual, and physical---to become increasingly transfigured by the living light?

This passage can be found on page xxiii of the foreword of the text cited above. Here Harvey is clear about the possible physical transformation of the “glory of the Resurrected Body”: Physical immortality. This immortality can be considered in the context of the Kingdom of God. In other words, paradise lost will be restored when humankind returns to the consciousness of God which is embodied in Jesus. There is no promises of a “pie in the sky” here; instead, the seeker of immortality must be fully committed to the Jesus Way and no other. As the collective consciousness of this dark world turns to the light, we will indeed return of the innocence of childhood: God’s Kingdom on earth will reign forever as we are one with God!  

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Dating the origin of the Gospel of Thomas to within 28 years of Jesus’ Resurrection

In this short essay, I shall locate the origins of the Gospel of Thomas to the year 62 A.D., 28 years after Jesus’ resurrection. Several sources will be cited, along with an ancient manuscript, and an analysis of the text itself. These lines of proof show the latest date of Thomas’ origins to be 200 A.D. with some parts of the text written before the death of Jesus’ brother, James, who died in 62 A.D.
1. The Gospel of Thomas was known to have existed before its discovery as two British explorers, B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt, published fragments of what was later known to be Thomas in the years 1897 and 1904. The fragments, known as papyri, were written in Greek and they correspond to the following sayings of Thomas: prologue, sayings 1-7, 24, 26-33, 36-39, and 77. Thus, New Testament scholars knew about Thomas before it was discovered in 1945.

2. Two ancient references to Thomas: Third-century author Hippolytus of Rome in his text, Refutation of all Heresies cites sayings 4 and 11.

3. The Gospel of Thomas was found in 1945 in which it was part of a larger cache of manuscripts. These documents were found in Nag Hammadi, Egypt and written in the Egyptian language of the time, Coptic. 

4. Grenfell and Hunt dated the Greek sayings to the year 200 A.D. Readers are invited to obtain a copy of the text, The Fifth Gospel: The Gospel of Thomas comes of Age (Trinity Press International, 1998) by Stephen J. Patterson, and James M. Robinson with the translation by Hans-Gehard Bethge, et al. and read Patterson’s essay “Understanding the Gospel of Thomas Today” (pages 33- 75) for additional information. 

5. The New Testament scholar, James M. Robinson, in the text cited in 4 above, cites parables of Jesus in sayings 96, 97, 9 and 65 (see pages 106-107) which in his scholarly judgment could date the Gospel of Thomas back to the original words of Jesus: “But now the Gospel of Thomas presents us with just such a nonallegorical core that may well go back to Jesus!” (see page 107).

6. The text of Thomas reveals one hint of its date of origin: In saying 12 we read:

The followers said to Jesus, “We know that you are going to leave us. Who will be our leader? Jesus said to them, “No matter where you are, you are to go to James the Just, for whose sake heaven and earth came in being.

"James the Just" was name given to the brother of Jesus, James, who was an eyewitness of Jesus’ resurrection. He died in the year 62 A.D. It would stand to reason that this saying would not have been complied in a sayings book if James was already dead and hence we can posit a date earlier than 62 A.D. for the date of the origin of this saying.

7. Conclusion: Based upon careful analysis of the earliest documents, we can reasonably conclude the Gospel of Thomas dates its origins from before 62 A.D. Since Jesus’ resurrection occurred in the timeframe of 30-33 A.D., there is evidence that this gospel contains the origin words of Jesus. In comparison, the earliest canonical gospel, Mark, is dated to around 70 A.D.  A word of caution: It probably is the case that Thomas had more than one complier over a period of time; thus, while many of the sayings can be traced back to the words Jesus spoke, it is reasonable to accept that some of the sayings may have been added later (this, of course, does not mean they are inauthentic).  

Monday, July 11, 2016

Quick Overview of the Thomas Immortality Project

All citations are from The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus, by Marvin Meyer,

( HarperSanFrancisco, 1992).

1. What is the purpose of the Thomas Immortality Project?

The purpose is to open to the world the possibility of physical immortality through the reading of Jesus’ words in Thomas and to have these words vibrate at the immortal frequency. The language Jesus spoke was Aramaic. The words, translated from the Egyptian Coptic text into English, will pierce the heart of the chosen. The words themselves are transformative at an energetic level. Reading is best done aloud.

2. Before reading Thomas is there a prayer I should say?

Yes. “Jesus: I allow your words to enter my heart so that I might be one with you. I allow your words to vibrate at the immortal frequency.”

3. Is there a life after death?

No. “Jesus said, ‘Look to the living as long as you live, or you might die and then try to see the living one, and you will be unable to see’ ” (Saying 59). There is no indication, directly or indirectly, of an afterlife in the Thomas; instead, the chosen are encouraged to seek immortality in the present.

4. What do I need to do in order to be an immortal?

The union of opposites as outlined in saying 22 is transformative:

Jesus saw some babies nursing. He said to his followers, “These nursing babies are like those who enter the kingdom. They said to him, “Then shall we enter the kingdom as babies?” Jesus said to them, “When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter the Kingdom of God.”

This is a starling insight which predates the great Carl Jung, one of the towering figures in the 20th century, whose insights into the human psyche are still being mined today. As readers who are familiar with Jungian Psychology know, the union of opposites as being transformative is one of the key insights of Jung. Yet, Jesus shares this insight 2,000 years earlier!

5. How can I raise my consciousness to Jesus’ level?

The reader is invited to study and reflect upon the following passages:

Jesus said, “If they say to you, ‘Where have you come from?’ say to them, ‘We come from the light, from the place where the light came into being by itself, established [itself], and appeared in their image.’ If they say to you, ‘Is it you?’ say, ‘We are its children, and we are the chosen of the living Father. If they ask you, ‘What is the evidence of your Father in you?’ say to them, 'it is motion and it is rest ’ ” (Saying 50).

To reach the light consciousness, the energy from outside the brain will be activated. In Yogic terms, these are the chakras above the head and from the earth itself. These may be referred to as the 8th-13th chakras, depending upon the model being used. In any case, if one stays in the ego brain, then it’s not possible to be immortal.

6. Should I attend church or any other religious organization?

Absolutely not! The New Testament scholar, Professor Bart D. Ehrman, has done an excellent job of demonstrating that the New Testament is a fraudulent document. Readers are invited to read his text, Lost Christianities or his college lectures via The Teaching Company, the New Testament (and others). What apparently happened is this: Saying books such as Thomas and Q were widely circulated after Jesus' resurrection. The leader of the earliest of Jesus’ followers were led by James, the brother of Jesus, who was an eyewitness to Jesus’ resurrection. Then darkness came. Paul invented what became the Catholic Church. This group claimed salvation could come only by going directly to them; they banned the reading of Jesus’ original sayings by burning all copies they could get their hands on; they invented doctrines of death—claiming that Jesus' life meant nothing—salvation could only come through the shedding of his blood; they invented the doctrines of heaven and hell; they changed God’s Holy Day from the 7th day of the week to the first day of the week; they burned to the stake anyone who would dare challenge their teachings which originates directly from Satan. To this day, these unrepentent beings still claim to be the original followers of Jesus, when they are the followers of that which is evil.

7. Is there anything in the New Testament of value?

Yes. In I Corinthians 15, we have Paul’s historical record of the 500 who saw the risen Jesus. The Gospel of John comes closest to what Jesus said (obviously, the narratives are pure inventions):

You must become like a child again. You must be born from above. To enter the Kingdom of God you must be filled with the words of Jesus—which bubbles like spring water—and allow his spirit to enter you. Then you will be as I am: immortal.  (Paraphrased from John 3: 1-8).

For the most part, the New Testament is a series of invented stories and thus are of no spiritual value.  

8. If I follow the teachings of Jesus can I still take care of my family?


No.  “Jesus said, ‘whoever does not hate his father and mother cannot be a disciple of me, and whoever does not hate brothers and sisters and bear the cross as I do will not be worthy of me' ” (Saying 55). Also, those who are merchants and buyers will not enter the Kingdom of God (Saying 64).

9. Is there some group or organization I can join?

Since I started the Thomas Immortality Project in February 2016, there is no group to turn to. The purpose of this project is to restore the original message of Jesus—physical immortality is available today—to the world. The reader is invited to email me at to share any insights.


Thursday, July 7, 2016

Sabbath Sermon: Seeking the Gift of Physical Immortality

The following sermon was composed under the inspiration of the Spirit of Truth on July 4, 2016. All citations come from The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus by Marvin Meyers (HarperSanFrancisco, 1992).

The foundational message of The Gospel of Thomas is stated in the beginning of the text:

"These are the hidden sayings the living Jesus spoke and Judus Thomas the Twin recorded. And he said, 'Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death' " (incipit and saying 1).

The first insight here is the discovery process will lead to immortality. The core message of Thomas:  If you want to be a physical immortal, then you must seek it. In contrast, mainstream Christianity claims there is an afterlife and thus the believer will obtain immortality after death. These assumptions: 1) There is life after death, 2) There exist some kind of disembodied life after death (except for the Jehovah Witnesses who claim they will be resurrected from the dead in bodily form [excepting the 144,000 nearly all of whom are now in heaven]) contradicts the entire message of Jesus' proclamation: Eternal life can only be found now--in bodily form!

Jesus' followers asked him about life after death:

"His followers said to him, When will the rest for the dead take place, and when will the new world come ? He said to them, 'What you look for has come, but you did not know it.' His followers said to him, 'Twenty-four prophets have spoken in Israel, and they have spoken of you.' He said to them, 'You have disregarded the living one who is in your presence and spoken of the dead' " (Sayings 51, 52).

Here we find Jesus redirecting his follower's attention to the here and now. "What you look for has come, but you do not know it." The new world is right here, right now--Just open your eyes and see!

A second key insight about being a physical immortality is one has to actively seek it. "Jesus said, 'Fortunate is the person who has worked hard and found life' " (Saying 58).

Mainstream Christianity, by creating the myth of an afterlife, has done the work of darkness. "When you know yourselves, then you will understand you are the children of the living Father, but if you do not know yourselves then you dwell in poverty" (Saying 3).

Although the central message of Thomas--physical immortality--is available right here, right now, and thus is open to all, in fact, few will hear the words: "Jesus said, 'I shall choose you, one from a thousand and two from ten thousand, and they will stand as a single one' " (Saying 23). So only a few are chosen to hear the message. Perhaps the reader would like to be one of the chosen. Then you are! By the very fact that you are reading the words inspired by the living Spirit of Truth means you have been chosen to the receive the invitation to eternal life. It is now up to you to gladly receive the words which bring everlasting life!