Saturday, June 11, 2016

Enlightenment: Short Note

Enlightenment is the return of the individual to his original state when he was, say 4-years old, and self-consciousness had not occurred. In one's original state there is boundlessness, aliveness, uncaused joy, and unconditional love. The point, however, is there is no one aware of this state of joy! In other words, the ego brain has been dissolved and all there is is what's happening at an energy level--so objects are not solid, but are particles dancing about.

The reader who has read any self-help books and spiritual books will immediately realize that what is being described above is radically different from what these authors are presenting. In fact, one popular therapy, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, has a goal of strengthening the ego by confronting self-defeating thoughts! This is ludicrous as one part of the brain is challenging another part of the brain in an endless fight; this is not peace, but war...

The first step to ending the war between the ego brain and one's original state is to rid oneself of the ego brain. This is done by intention: activate the chakra a few inches above the head and allow the Witness to emerge. At some point, there will be a glimpse of boundlessness and then a return to the body-mind organism. This is the first step in the venture into free fall: All there is is what's happening as it is happening without any idea of free will, responsibility, or self-awareness. The feeling tone is one of uncaused joy...Welcome to paradise!

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