Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Spirit of Truth: Seek and you will find!

The Spirit of Truth will guide all seekers into a more complete understanding of the truth. While as limited human beings we will never understand God, it is still our joy to be able to commune with its Spirit. I realize many who claim to be Christians talk about “Jesus being in my heart” or the “Holy Spirit.” While this is true as far as it goes, a dedication to truth is essential to in one’s relationship to others and God.

As is always the case, we want to be sure to not make perfection the enemy of the good. So I am imperfect. Then I strive to do better. In the process, I would strongly recommend that you fully realize that the vast majority of people are in their ego brain and thus controlled to various degrees by darker forces. In my view, the mass media is designed to keep the entire world mad.

Invite the Spirit of Truth to guide you. The Gospel of Thomas does not contain the truth; the truth can be found this Gospel. For instance, scholars who read this Gospel are usually looking at the text from an historical standpoint with no interest in the text’s spiritual meaning; in this case, they will find nothing of value because they fail to seek: “The one who seeks should not cease seeking until he finds” (Gospel of Thomas, Saying 2).

An excellent motto: Truth Must Be Honored! This points to combining two higher ideals: Truth=Honor. One honors the truth by being open to corrections, challenging one’s present view, accepting forgiveness and moving on. However, this world will be filled with those who have no honor and no regard for the truth. So one must focus on oneself and “let the dead bury the dead!”


Monday, June 27, 2016

Love Unites Us!

Love unites us. Love is the force which unifies us as one. Love is the foundation of all transcendental values: Faith, hope, truth, honor, justice all have at their roots in the connection human beings feel for each other. Without love, human beings dissolve into wild animals in which it’s “survival of the fittest,” without regard to the other.

Today, we stand with our brothers and sisters in Orlando, Florida in which 49 people were massacred in an execution-style horror. Apparently, the shooter was motivated by his hatred of gays as he targeted a popular gay nightclub, Pulse, in which gay Latinos were celebrating their pride. In face of this hate, our response must be rooted in love.

At a practical level, we recommend that supporters of love and tolerance support Hillary Clinton for President of the United States. We note that the other national candidate wasted no time in spewing more comments in his hate-filled campaign: “Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Muslim immigration,” Donald Trump wrote on Twitter immediately after yesterday’s bloodbath. When Mrs. Clinton becomes the next President, we are hopeful she will appoint a Supreme Court nominee (to replace the vacancy left owing to Antonin Scalia’s death) who will interpret the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution as originally written: To allow each of the 13 states in the year 1791 to have independent armed militia separate for what had been formed--a national government which would be in, then be in charge of national defense. The Second Amendment neither historically nor textually has anything to do with an individual’s right to gun ownership since it was presumed that all White males over age 21 already had that right. When the Constitution is restored to its original meaning, then the right of the national government to enact thoughtful restrictions on gun ownership can be implemented.

All open societies face the paradox of how to love the unlovable. How to be tolerant to the intolerant. How to allow freedoms to those who want to take freedoms away. We have had to face this paradox with Jonathan Vernick as we have evidence that he has abused 100s if not 1000s in his nearly 30-year reign of terror. We have contacted over 100 public officials, attorneys, representatives of the media, and other citizens and have been met with silence. This, in turn, has forced us to confront the above paradox: In the face of this silence, we must speak loudly in order to be heard! Thus, a reporter for this blog has resorted to posting “Barbara Garcia—Go Fuck Yourself!” posts for public display. This is why we ask that you join us, in love, in protecting the victims of Jonathan Vernick by demanding that he be dismissed by the Baker Places Board of Directors on June 15, 2016.

Love is an evolutionary force which will unite us as one. In this oneness we will be one without regard to race, creed, or sexual orientation. Please open your hearts today by performing a senseless act of kindness towards another. Love, unconditional love, is all there is!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Enlightenment: Short Note

Enlightenment is the return of the individual to his original state when he was, say 4-years old, and self-consciousness had not occurred. In one's original state there is boundlessness, aliveness, uncaused joy, and unconditional love. The point, however, is there is no one aware of this state of joy! In other words, the ego brain has been dissolved and all there is is what's happening at an energy level--so objects are not solid, but are particles dancing about.

The reader who has read any self-help books and spiritual books will immediately realize that what is being described above is radically different from what these authors are presenting. In fact, one popular therapy, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, has a goal of strengthening the ego by confronting self-defeating thoughts! This is ludicrous as one part of the brain is challenging another part of the brain in an endless fight; this is not peace, but war...

The first step to ending the war between the ego brain and one's original state is to rid oneself of the ego brain. This is done by intention: activate the chakra a few inches above the head and allow the Witness to emerge. At some point, there will be a glimpse of boundlessness and then a return to the body-mind organism. This is the first step in the venture into free fall: All there is is what's happening as it is happening without any idea of free will, responsibility, or self-awareness. The feeling tone is one of uncaused joy...Welcome to paradise!