Monday, September 26, 2016

Some Notes on Physical Immortality

1. A key step in becoming an Immortal: actively focus on the present. This means being one with the breath. Thoughts are of no value since they represent some sort of rehash of the brain which are often wrong. The idea is to see the full picture and then problems resolve themselves.  
Example: The economy is in a mess. Yes, as long as the goal is for continuous economic development in a world trade system, there will be endless disruptions. The problem is the system has created a disincentive for females to have babies; so there is a continuous need to bring in more and more third-world peoples into economically- developed countries since they will fill the necessary positions as well as work cheaply—it’s all about the money. Resolution: When this crazy system collapses, perhaps by a nuclear war, and 7 billion people or so are killed, then the world can start over and maybe people can even start behaving like human beings again.

2. I would conjecture that there are a handful of Immortals alive today. The most open Immortal is Robert Coon (See: Phoenix of Immortality | 13 Keys to Immortality | Robert Coon for additional information). The usual argument against going public about Immortality is while Immortals are transforming the aging code, they can still die as a result of accidents and violence. Thus, Jesus’ advice, “Be passerby” (Gospel of Thomas, saying 42), is usually followed. However, as one of the few followers of Jesus in the world today, I am compelled to share the Good News of eternal life!

3. When one examines the historical record, the support for the claim that Jesus is risen is shown by what the eyewitnesses did: James, Jesus’ brother started a Jesus movement in Jerusalem; Paul founded communities throughout the Roman Empire; Peter formed a community which was more of a “Jewish-Christian” system than what is considered “Christian” today (example: Peter kept the 7th day Holy as God commanded, while the Catholics defied God and change God’s Holy Day to Sunday); Judas the Thomas (a brother of Jesus) collected sayings which became the Gospel of Thomas. Collectively, there is no doubt that many followers of Jesus believed he died and was resurrected because they saw the Risen Jesus!

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