Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Readers: My next post is due April 9, 2019

Dear Readers:

Because of events of the world, I am unable to post an essay this week. God willing, there will be a new post on April 9, 2019. Please see my sister blog, www.defundbakerplaces.blogspot.com for any updates. I wish to thank the many kind readers who have an interest in eternal life and may God continue to bless you.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Sabbath Sermon: “Physical Immorality: The Second Fire that Set the World Ablaze in 1945”

Sabbath Sermon: “Physical Immorality: The Second Fire that Set the World Ablaze in 1945”

Note to readers: This is an historical post in which the original teachings of Jesus were revealed to the world on February 22, 2016. With the threat of a nuclear war between Russia and the USA reaching an inflection point its key thesis--Physical Immortality is available to all truth seekers, right here right now on planet earth-- remains timely. I wish to thank the many thousands of readers who have learned about this promise of eternal life and invite you to set the world on fire as you experience Cosmic Consciousness or the God Connection.

Sabbath Sermon: “Physical Immorality: The Second Fire that Set the World Ablaze in 1945”

The introduction of the possibility of world-wide death occurred on August 6, 1945 on Hiroshima, Japan; the introduction of the opening to world-wide life also occurred in 1945: The rediscovery of Jesus’ original message as found in the Gospel of Thomas.

The explosions ignited on Japan is a dark omen which portends a possible dystopian world of everlasting death; the revolutionary message of physical immortality which can be activated through the reading and meditating of the words of Jesus in Thomas is now setting the world on fire. Paradise Restored!

By reading the immortal words of Jesus the shift in consciousness from disease, decay and death is transformed into being connected to God through activating Truth. The Truth is this:

There is no life after death.  We either embrace the 7th consciousness of Everlasting Life—the Crown of Physical Immorality—or we collectively destroy ourselves by being connected to each other.

The Great Lies of Darkness:
1. There is a conscious existence after physical death.
2. Human beings are to love each other.
3. Death is a necessary part of life.

In contrast, the Great Truth of Light as revealed by Jesus:

1. Everlasting Life—Physical Immortality—is now being activated.
2. Human beings are to be connected to God alone through activating the consciousness of Truth.
3. Life is restored when we return to Paradise Lost: Joyous Thanksgiving of Praise of the gift of Life!
If the words which are written resonates with the dear reader the path to living forever in physical form can be initiated by:

  1. Obtaining a physical copy of The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus translated by Marvin Meyer.
  2. Thomas is now activated for the reader to shift to immortality: gladly receive the words which unite the body with the spirit.
  3. By daily meditation on the revolutionary promise in the Prologue: “Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death”—saying 1, the reader can set the world on fire with each of us connected to Truth—Everlasting Life—Physical Immortality. Paradise Lost is now being restored!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Quick Overview of the Thomas Immortality Project

1. What is the purpose of the Thomas Immortality Project?
The purpose is to open to the world the possibility of physical immortality through the reading of Jesus’ words in Thomas and to have these words vibrate at the immortal frequency. The language Jesus spoke was Aramaic. The words, translated from the Egyptian Coptic text into English, will pierce the heart of the chosen. The words themselves are transformative at an energetic level. Reading is best done aloud. Please see  A Message Of Christmas Hope For John C. and My Readers: Merry Christmas, Everyone!  for additional insights.

2. Before reading Thomas is there a prayer I should say?
Yes. “Yeshua: I allow your words to enter my being so that I might be one with you. I allow your words to vibrate at the physical immortal frequency. Thanks, Yeshua!”
Note: Yeshua is Jesus' birth name and is what his followers call him by.

3. Is there a life after death?
No. “Jesus said, ‘Look to the living as long as you live, or you might die and then try to see the living one, and you will be unable to see’ ” (Saying 59). There is no indication, directly or indirectly, of an afterlife in the Thomas; instead, the chosen are encouraged to seek immortality in the present.

4. What do I need to do in order to be an immortal?
The union of opposites as outlined in saying 22 is transformative:

Jesus saw some babies nursing. He said to his followers, “These nursing babies are like those who enter the kingdom. They said to him, “Then shall we enter the kingdom as babies?” Jesus said to them, “When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter the Kingdom of God.”

This is a starling insight which predates the great Carl Jung, one of the towering figures in the 20th century, whose insights into the human psyche are still being mined today. As readers who are familiar with Jungian Psychology know, the union of opposites as being transformative is one of the key insights of Jung. Yet, Jesus shares this insight 2,000 years earlier!

5. How can I raise my consciousness to Jesus’ level?
The reader is invited to study and reflect upon the following saying:
Question: Where did you come from?
Response: I came from the Light, the place where the Light came into being by itself.
Question: Who are you?
Response: I am a Son of the Living Father. I am one of the elect.
Question: What is the proof of the Father in you?
Response: It is motion and it is rest.
--Jesus, paraphrase of saying 50, The Gospel According To Thomas
To reach the light consciousness, the energy from outside the brain will be activated. In Yogic terms, these are the chakras above the head and from the earth itself. These may be referred to as the 8th-13th chakras, depending upon the model being used. In any case, if one stays in the ego brain, then it’s not possible to be immortal.

6. Should I attend church or any other religious organization?
Absolutely not! The New Testament scholar, Professor Bart D. Ehrman, has done an excellent job of demonstrating that the New Testament is a fraudulent document. Readers are invited to read his text, Lost Christianities or his college lectures via The Teaching Company, the New Testament (and others). What apparently happened is this: Saying books such as Thomas and Q were widely circulated after Jesus' resurrection. The leader of the earliest of Jesus’ followers were led by James, the brother of Jesus, who was an eyewitness to Jesus’ resurrection. Then darkness came. Paul invented what became the Catholic Church. This group claimed salvation could come only by going directly to them; they banned the reading of Jesus’ original sayings by burning all copies they could get their hands on; they invented doctrines of death—claiming that Jesus' life meant nothing—salvation could only come through the shedding of his blood; they invented the doctrines of heaven and hell; they changed God’s Holy Day from the 7th day of the week to the first day of the week; they burned to the stake anyone who would dare challenge their teachings which originates directly from Satan. To this day, these unrepentant beings still claim to be the original followers of Jesus, when they are the followers of that which is evil.

7. Is there anything in the New Testament of value?

Yes. In I Corinthians 15, we have Paul’s historical record of the 500 who saw the risen Jesus. The Gospel of John comes closest to what Jesus said (obviously, the narratives are pure inventions):

You must become like a child again. You must be born from above. To enter the Kingdom of God you must be filled with the words of Jesus—which bubbles like spring water—and allow his spirit to enter you. Then you will be as I am: immortal.  (Paraphrased from John 3: 1-8).
For the most part, the New Testament is a series of invented stories and thus are of no spiritual value.  Please see   Forgeries In the New Testament and  The Bart Ehrman Blog  for additional insights.

8. If I follow the teachings of Jesus can I still take care of my family?
 No.  “Jesus said, ‘whoever does not hate his father and mother cannot be a disciple of me, and whoever does not hate brothers and sisters and bear the cross as I do will not be worthy of me' ” (Saying 55). Also, those who are merchants and buyers will not enter the Kingdom of God (Saying 64).

9. Is there some group or organization I can join?
Since I started the Thomas Immortality Project in February 2016, there is no group to turn to. The purpose of this project is to restore the original message of Jesus—physical immortality is available today—to the world. The reader is invited to email me at Safeway7354@gmail.com to share any insights. Please see Celebrating the Third Year of the Thomas Immortality Project for additional insights.