Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Notes on Enlightenment

Below are some observations about “enlightenment,” the spiritual insight into reality. They are subject to clarifications, corrections, and emendations. They do represent the best understanding of what’s happening.

1. Enlightenment is the activation of the Witness—which is one’s original state. It is impersonal and separate from the self-awareness of the brain. In essence, there is the original oneness from birth until about age 3 years old and then self-consciousness took place. At this point there are two of you: Your original state and the ego brain. In the world of form, if there are, say 7 billion apparent individuals in this world, perhaps a few hundred who are enlightened. So I will usually assume everyone with whom I make contact is in the ego brain.

2. The activation of the Witness is usually done by focusing on the back of the head and allowing seeing of the brain processes take place. Usually, the chakra a few inches above the head is also activated. This is not the brain being aware of itself; when the brain observes itself, such as in Buddhist Mindfulness, one is just caught in an endless loop and this has nothing to do with awakening. This might be called an opening to the transpersonal space which includes the space inside the body and outside.  

3. As the Impersonal seeing takes place—without judgment or evaluation—there is an openness to the boundlessness of one’s being. This feeling tone is often call “unconditional love,” or “joy without cause.”  

4. The ego mind which thinks it is in control finds out that things just happen without any cause. So emotions, body sensations, awareness just arise from nowhere. The brain makes up stories which will match the these emotions and will convince one that’s why “I am angry”; in fact, the anger was preordained to occur as an invitation to shift one’s attention from the self-destructiveness of the ego brain to oneness with God. 

5. There is a possibility that one sees that the ego mind is just an artificial construct which just sucks up the energy of God, instead of allowing the energy to flow in unconditional love. Once there is this seeing, the concept of free will or doership dissolves and then all there is is a love affair with whatever arises. In this openness, there can be moments of clarity as well as moments as contraction back into the ego brain. All is perfect as it is.

6. Although the above five points point to a direct path, it probably is the case the being who views himself as separate will need clarity. In my view, the text, Consciousness Speaks, by Ramesh Balsekar is the most thorough presentation of key insights into enlightenment. Good luck on your final journey into returning to your original state: On the day you were two, you became one again…All there is is unconditional love.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Enlightenment: This Freedom

In Tony Parsons’ inspired writings, he shares what Enlightenment is: Letting Go, and Letting God. He calls this giving up The Open Secret (see www.theopensecret.com). One gives up by activating the transpersonal space, located above the brain, and then allowing God’s Spirit to enter one’s heart so that unconditional love is all there is.

Mr. Parsons’ latest sharing, This Freedom, is a slim 132-page book which uses the Socratic approach in which dialogues are introduced with comments and then questions are followed by answers. Because the book is written at the enlightened level and nearly all his readers are controlled by their ego brain, the book will be incomprehensible for most. The purpose of this short book review is to spell out some key insights.

First, it is noted that when you were, say 4-years old, there was oneness since you were without conscious awareness. Then you were thrown out of paradise and then self-consciousness took place and then the clock started ticking. From that moment on, the search for wholeness takes places. The vast majority of beings could care less about enlightenment and thus they will live out their lives according to their preordained scripts. Others who sense something is missing will try to find the answer through the spiritual marketplace: therapy, meditation, mindfulness training and the like. All these approaches are useless since the ego brain is directing the process and the ego brain is the problem.

To dissolve the ego brain, which is usually involved in endless mind chatter, the transpersonal space needs to be activated. How to do so? Essentially, it’s by intention: The seeing that the ego mind is self-destructive and as it judges others, so will it judge you. Usually, the apparent separate person will go through a series of life crisis and finally will be at the end of the line and there will be a readiness to die.

Awakening is the glimpsing of the transpersonal space and then returning to the ego mind. Often this is called a “peak experience.” At this point the mind-body organism is starting to open to God, what Parsons calls the “Beloved.”

When God takes over, all there is is unconditional love. But not love in the sense human beings think of love. This love includes the unity of opposites so that there is love-hate, rest-movement, male-female. So war is necessary for there to be peace; movement is necessary for there to be rest. All is part of wholeness and all is perfect as it is. The ego brain rejects this since it only wants the “good” stuff without the “bad” stuff. This is the cause of humankind’s insanity, always wanting to be in control of what is.

As there is a letting go and letting God, there is healing. There will always be deep psychic healing as well as physical healing. The key insight is not to pray as this gets one back into the verbal self. Just allow. On this day, when you were two you became one again…all there is is unconditional love. Welcome to paradise! 

Addendum: The transpersonal space might be referred to as “fundamental consciousness,” which Judith Blackstone, in The Intimate Life, (2011) on page 50 notes: “The entranceway into fundamental consciousness is a subtle channel that runs through the vertical core of the body from the center of the crown of our head and above ...to the bottom of our torso and below.” Note that in Parsons’ model, one opens the chakra just above the head, which in turn activates the fundamental consciousness. This, in time, will activate the three core qualities of being: physical sensation, emotion, and awareness. Readers are invited to obtain any book by Ms. Blackstone for further insights.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Let Go, Let God

Brief Note: The process which has been outlined in the blog involves:
1) Activating the transpersonal self-- this is located outside the brain. Generally, it is thought to be connected more closely to the right hemisphere of the brain and when it is activated there is a heart opening.
2) To activate this energy center outside the brain a shift from the ego brain needs to occur. The purpose of the message is to point to those whose self-destructive energies have gotten them to the point they are ready to give up. In the end, the ego mind will you give you division, judgments, hate, stress, and the urge for self-punishment.
3) "Let Go, Let God!" is an apt description of the process. Of course, the letting go will involve the end of the world--as you know it. Those who are involved in the affairs of the world are not suited for this evolutionary process.
4) Invite the Spirit of God into one's heart and let this energy take over. What do you have to lose? Everything. What do you have to gain? Nothing.

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Illusion of Conscious Will

Note to readers: This post was originally posted on www.defundbakerplaces.blogspot.com on May 3, 2016. I would add these additional insights to the post: 1) The whole point of deactivating the ego brain (the level of consciousness which entitles awareness as a function and is more of an optical illusion than anything else) in order that the "Body Consciousness" is activated. This is part of a two-track system which includes our original state when we were born--free, flowing, energy that is boundless-- and the fairly destructive ego mind which allows for self-consciousness. One does not need to do anything to activate the "Body Consciousness" as it already exists; we just need to dissolve the ego. 2) In order to activate the body's consciousness, one must activate the transpersonal self outside the brain. This is necessary since how is the ego mind going to give up control? 3) Consciously Connected Breathing is an excellent practice for those who are waking up their body to a higher energy level.

The text, The Illusion of Conscious Will, (MIT Press, 2002) by Daniel M. Wegner, the late Professor of Psychology at Harvard University, offers an excellent overview of what is going on in the brain that is causing the illusion of free will. The key point: When you were, say 3 years old, things just happened; there is no self-consciousness and thus no free will. Then the brain played a trick--which apparently does not happen to other species--it created a recording device which made you believe you are a separate person. From a neurological standpoint, it probably is the case that the hippocampus, which converts short-term events into long-term memory, has been activated.

Professor Wegner's key insight: The experience of events is activated by another part of the brain than the intention of causing the event to occur. Events happen, say I intend to go to the store to pick up some item and then I think the thought, "I need to go to the store," and then I go to the store. The commonplace understanding is "I" willed this action. In fact, these urges came from another part of the brain, got translated into subvocal speech and then the action took place. The conscious you had nothing to do with it; another part of the brain did it independently of your awareness.

While Wegner's insight is correct as far as it goes, we need to go a step further in our casual analysis: What causes the urges to occur in the first place? No one knows. At this point, all the brain researchers will start "hand-waving" and offering pseudo-explanations such as "emergence of brain processes" (see  Daniel Dennett - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). While Professor Dennett certainly has some creative insights into the neurological processes of the brain, he still misses the point: What caused this emergence?

The two "best answers": 1) Consciousness, the intelligence using energy to create forms on a moment by moment basis; this is a spiritualized definition from Quantum Mechanics. 2) Agnostic, the position "we don't know." When one does a William James introspection, one finds the box is empty: Things happen and then you offer an invented story to explain it.

 Perhaps the reader can do a thought experiment: "How did I learn, grow, and do things when I was 4-years old and had no conscious awareness?"

Enlightenment is the seeing that the thoughts you have are fed to you by Consciousness. Until the transpersonal self, located outside the brain, is activated, you will be under the delusion that you created your thoughts (which obviously makes no sense). This understanding at an energetic level is necessary for further developments to happen. Otherwise, one will just keep repeating the same patterns which will keep you in a state of quiet desperation....